Abrazo Blog
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In Adoption Truth Matters
People don’t always want to hear it, but in adoption truth matters. Yes, the truth may be awkward, or messy, or maddening or hurtful. Or it may be liberating, or illuminating. Either way: in adoption, truth matters. Just like teaching your child to brake when all they...
The Most Famous Birthmom You Never Knew
Chances are Jane Roe (aka Norma Nelson McCorvey) is probably the most famous birthmom you never knew. You may be thinking the name Jane Roe sounds vaguely familiar? (Norma Nelson McCorvey, not so much.) But mention "Roe vs. Wade" and most Americans know almost...
The Problem with Adopt a Schemes
Can we talk about the problem with Adopt A... schemes, please? We're not trying to offend anyone, but any scheme that starts with the phrase "adopt a..." and doesn't involve the permanent placement of a child in need is a problem with us. And by "us," we don't just...
Long Time No See
The woman who showed up in our lobby to talk about open adoption was someone we'd not seen in well over a decade, so "long time no see" was about the only greeting that seemed to fit, as we struggled to put a name to the face. "Do you remember me?" she asked. We knew...
How to Survive a Homestudy
So you're hoping to adopt, and you want to know how to survive a homestudy? You've come to the right place, here. (But if you're adopting here, please don't mention that you read this, okay? We prefer to think your lives are that impressive even without our...
Adoption for Laughs
Is it fair to use adoption for laughs? The question came up again this week, as a meme meant to be humorous made its way around the internet. The heading reads "When parents start to crack during lockdown." It pictures a child asking her mother if she'd been adopted,...
How to Tell Your Child They Were Adopted
Here's a handy guide for how to tell your child they were adopted. We'll break it out in sections, dear Adoptive Parent, so you can choose the best approach based on your situation. Honesty is the Best Policy To ensure the optimal results in telling your child they...
Thank you adoptive parents
In the midst of this unforeseen pandemic, this needs to be said: thank you adoptive parents. Yes, we know you wanted to adopt. You signed up for that But this is way more than that. So know this: WE SEE YOU. We know this isn't easy. It wasn't expected, none of it....
Let Us Rise
This will surely be an Easter and Passover like no other, but let us rise to the challenge and make it a holiday to remember. (Even if it seems, for now, like coronavirus has forever changed life as we know it.) Adoptive families are understandably frantic about...
American Orphans
The prospect of the coronavirus pandemic creating a new generation of American orphans is terrifying. However, it's a possibility for which we all need to prepare. (And not bringing it up won't keep it from happening.) Please take every precaution to protect...
Ready To Talk? Call anytime, day or night: 800-454-5683
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