
About Abrazo

Pregnant? Placing? Call anytime, day or night: 800-454-5683

Our Mission

The primary purpose and goal of Abrazo Adoption Associates is to offer birthparents and adoptive parents from all walks of life the opportunity to provide children with safe and loving homes through compassionate and open adoption planning, in which the highest quality of counseling, pre-placement preparation, and post-placement follow-up is provided at reasonable costs.
Abrazo Adoption Associates is a private, nonprofit adoption agency serving the needs of birthparents, children and adopting parents nationwide. Licensed by the State of Texas, Abrazo specializes in open adoptions. This means the agency, birthparents and adopting parents work together to make loving plans for childrens’ futures. Call us anytime, at 210-342-5683 or 800-454-5683.

Let’s be honest: for far too long, adoption agencies have been known for taking over peoples’ lives, judging them by outdated standards and depriving folks of control over their own destinies. At Abrazo, we’re working to change that. We educate, encourage and support our clients as they make their own best decisions. Abrazo offers help you can trust, because you deserve the best.

“Abrazo” is a Spanish word which means “hug or embrace” and this is, truly, what we’re about.

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Meet Abrazo’s Staff

The AbrazoChicks, as our clients have fondly nicknamed us, are open adoption professionals with a wealth of experience in this field (personal and professional.) For our staff, adoption is not merely a job, but a calling. We do it all, from counseling to casework to stork runs and diaper changes. And we love what we do, because we truly care about all the parents and children we serve.



Executive Director

Elizabeth grew up as a preacher’s kid. She majored in piano at Interlochen Arts Academy before earning a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Sociology, followed by a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology. She played piano professionally on the Riverwalk, worked in public relations, and directed church children’s choirs before becoming a licensed therapist and a licensed child placing agency administrator. Elizabeth’s greatest accomplishments have included college cheerleading, founding Abrazo, and raising two fine sons as a single mom. Church keeps her sane, and chocolate, jazz and retail therapy keep her happy. In her free time, Elizabeth enjoys reading, politics, Broad way shows, and traveling anywhere there’s sunshine and ocean.



Family Services Coordinator

Ximena was born and raised in northern Mexico, but holds a Bachelor’s degree in Hotel, Restaurant and Spa Management from the University of Arizona; she worked in the hospitality industry in Scottsdale, AZ and at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. She relocated with her husband to South Texas, and earned her Master’s degree in Counseling & Guidance from Texas A&M San Antonio, then became a Licensed Professional Counselor here in Texas. A treasured member of the Abrazo team since 2016, Ximena is our beloved Family Services Coordinator, providing the best of client support, homestudies and post-adoption supervision (while also maintaining a private counseling practice.) This proud dog mom of two enjoys traveling, reading and crafting. Her claim to fame (besides having been Artie the Artichoke, her college mascot– yes, there is such a thing!) is conversing fluently with just about anybody in English and/or Spanish, and running marathons if the medal looks good.



Agency Services Coordinator (v)

Jan is truly God’s gift to Abrazo, and she is the gift that keeps on giving. A retired Colonel who was an oral surgeon, she originally served as Abrazo’s counseling intern in 2019-2020, then graduated with her Master’s degree, and graciously offered to stay on at the agency, where she provides community counseling services and much-needed office management and support. Jan and her beloved husband, a retired Chaplain Lt. Colonel, are the world-traveled adoptive parents of two adult daughters. They dote on their two sweet grandsons, and a whole menagerie of pets that include Corgis, cats, cows and more, between their two homes in Texas and Oklahoma. In her free time, Jan enjoys sewing and quilting, gardening, shopping on Amazon, and consuming ginger ale by the case.


Birthparent Care Coordinator

Our uniquely-qualified Birthparent Care Coordinator, Lauranda Garza, was a former Abrazo/Mitchard Birthmother Scholarship winner who earned her Bachelor’s degree from UTSA and her Master’s degree from Texas A&M San Antonio. Lauranda (nickname: LaLa) is herself a birthmother who placed at Abrazo many years ago, and she treasures every contact with her teenage daughter and her daughter’s adoptive family. LaLa’s hobbies including crafting, family gatherings, artful ink, and heavy metal music. We are truly grateful for her many years of service to our agency and we are blessed by her family’s support of our agency’s mission, as well. 





Calley is our beloved Valley Girl who came to Abrazo as a a graduate-level intern at the start of last year. She earned her BA in Psychology from the University of the Incarnate Word, followed by her Master’s in Counseling from Texas A&M (San Antonio) and she has her own fashion boutique online. In her (very rare) free time, Calley enjoys babying her beloved dog, hanging with friends, and making quick trips home to Brownsville to see her folks.


​Abrazo is an approved supervision site for Master’s-level counseling interns from a number of graduate programs in Texas. Every year, graduate students learning to become counselors work under the close supervision of Abrazo staff. Interns maintain weekly office hours, help facilitate the agency’s weekly birthparent support group, and provide free counseling services. Their volunteer service to Abrazo’s clients is much appreciated, and their contributions should not be underestimated.


Adoption Specialist, Houston Area

Renee is a South Texas native who got her Bachelor’s degree in Public Relations, then put herself through grad school to earn her Master of Social Work degree. She is a licensed social worker, the published author of a novel, a serial dater, and the proud mom of two absolutely adorable canine fur babies (and yes, she is particularly blessed to have absolutely awesome hair.) She is a faithful churchgoer and proud homeowner who is also a great listener and a world traveler, and goes the extra mile to find great resources for her clients in need in the Houston area and beyond. Renee enjoys dancing, working out, doting on her nieces, and her favorite homecooked meal is picadillo (and yes, you read that right, lol.)

Our Programs & Events

In addition to quality placement services, we offer a number of programs and events designed to support our clients before and after placement. We know there’s no shortage of adoption resources out there, and we know our program isn’t necessarily the right one for everyone. We’re glad you’re checking out your options, and we wish you Godspeed in your journey, wherever it takes you.

Parents of Tomorrow Weekends


Scholarship Funds

Camp Abrazo

Camp Abrazo

Angel Account

Angel Account

Abrazo Adoption Associates

10010 San Pedro, Suite 540
San Antonio, TX 78216
Abrazo Adoption AssociatesAbrazo Adoption Associates
3123 NW Loop 410
San Antonio, TX 78230

From Loop 410W, exit Cherry Ridge and travel west on the Loop 410 access road 4/5 mile; Abrazo is on the right side in the Glenny Law building, at the intersection of Cherry Ridge and the 410W access road. Enter the parking lot from the access road.

There is a reserved space for Abrazo guests in the front of the building; the rest of the lot is also open to building visitors, as is the back parking lot. Spaces which are not available to visitors are marked as such.

Contact Us

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    Want To Know More?

    3123 NW Loop 410San Antonio, TX 78230 | 800-454-5683 | Email Us

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    24-Hour Birthparent HelpLine
    for New Placing Parents/Medical Emergencies

    Placing parents calling from Texas or surrounding states:

    Placing parents calling from outside Texas, please call collect:
    210-342-LOVE (5683)

    Placing parents text:


    Mailing address:

    3123 Northwest Loop 410
    San Antonio, TX 78230