Abrazo Blog
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Adoption Time
Adoption time either seems to run maddeningly slowly, or frustratingly fast. (And there's typically little or nothing in between.) It's hard to explain to those who have never been part of the adoption process. But anyone whose life has been touched by adoption can...
A Fine Line in Open Adoption
There's a fine line in open adoption. Anybody involved needs to know this, upfront. In Texas, the law says there's no legal difference between an open adoption and any other adoption. For a baby or child to be free to be adopted, the first parents must surrender all...
Righting Adoption Wrongs
This is a tribute to a mother who made righting adoption wrongs a one woman crusade. Her name is Sandy Musser. In 1954, Sandy found herself pregnant out of wedlock at the age of 15. She did what "girls in trouble" were supposed to do in that era. Sandy signed her...
Unwanted Baby
At Abrazo, there's no just such thing as an unwanted baby. No child is ever unwanted. In the twenty-five years since Abrazo opened, we've found there are some cases that are more in demand than others. "Healthy newborns" always have plenty of prospective adopters...
How Open Adoption Works
People often wonder how open adoption works? The truth is this: it's harder than it looks. Well, not harder, necessarily... but the best open adoptions take work to make them work. Open adoption looks easy. It looks like people just found each other, agreed to be...
What About Adoption?
These days, it seems there's a lot of talk about abortion, CPS and surrogacy-- but what about adoption? Adoption IS alive and well in the 21st century. It's not as common as it once was, that's true. Illegitimacy is a concept that no longer compels single moms to...
Pregnant and Sleeping in the Park
She is pregnant and sleeping in the park these days. She has lost all her worldly possessions recently. So she lacks an ID, which would be necessary to qualify to stay in a shelter. She's in her late twenties, but looks much younger. Child Protective Services already...
Dear Texas Governor…
Dear Texas Governor Abbott: Greetings from the best 'lil adoption agency in Texas, Abrazo Adoption Associates. Our staff has been visiting your workplace every other year, so you may be familiar with us? (Because unlike a lot of Texas adoption agencies, we speak out...
Some Thoughts on Abortion & Adoption
These are just some thoughts on abortion & adoption. Those two words are just two letters apart. Yet there's a world of difference between the two procedures. (After all, one is meant to end life, while the other is meant to enrich it.) Abrazo sometimes gets...
I Need to Give Up My Baby
"I need to give up my baby," she said. She hadn't gotten much (any?) prenatal care. (That would've made the unwanted pregnancy seem far too real, she said.) She hadn't told anyone she was pregnant, except her parents. They told her they didn't need her bringing home...
Ready To Talk? Call anytime, day or night: 800-454-5683
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