Abrazo Blog
Ready To Talk? Call anytime, day or night: 800-454-5683
At Long Last
This is a story that can only be shared today-- at long last. Any adoption agency is only as good as the clients it serves, and thus, we carry a heavy weight when hearts are broken. It happens here when planned placements don't happen. Yet it also happens when they...
Unwanted Kids
Adoption agencies are fond of saying "there's no such thing as unwanted kids." (We've probably said it, too, somewhere along the way.) The sad truth, though, is that it's not really true. The world is full of unwanted kids. (They're just not healthy newborns anymore.)...
When the Truth Comes Out
It matters, when the truth comes out. As the Senate hearings about impeachment rage on in Washington, it's easy to think that truth is somehow negotiable. But in adoption, when the truth comes out matters. (It matters a lot.) Everyone who adopts at Abrazo signs an...
I Have a Dream….
In one of the most famous speeches every heard in America, a pastor and father of four said "I have a dream... I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of...
Things Birthmoms Don’t Say
A while back, we were talking in birthparent support group about the things birthmoms don't say. Abrazo's birthparent support group is made up of parents who have placed children for adoption anywhere, not just through our agency. Our weekly meetings draw birthmothers...
Adoption in the Rearview Mirror
As they traveled home from Texas on Christmas Eve this year, one Abrazo couple smiled at the tiny answer to their prayers for adoption in the rearview mirror. Excited as they were to get home, though, they'd found leaving San Antonio to be far harder than they might...
Support Your Adoption Agency
If you're wondering how you can best support your adoption agency this holiday season, here are some ideas. This may not be relevant if you support one of those mega-agencies with million dollar endowments, of course. But for smaller nonprofits like Abrazo, the best...
Pregnant in College
When you get pregnant in college, life can suddenly feel like a whole different ballgame. Get pregnant in high school, and everybody says you're just a teenager who didn't know better. Come up pregnant in college, but suddenly, folks act like you're someone who should...
Unexpected Blessings
Adoption is a journey that can be filled with unexpected blessings. The adoption experience is one that most come to unexpectedly, after all. Sometimes, it's precipitated by an unexpected pregnancy, an unwanted infertility diagnosis, or the abrupt loss of both...
The Birthparent You Never Knew
Dear Adoptee: permit us to offer a bit of insight about the birthparent you never knew. The truth is you've always known her/him/them, even if you've never met. Why? Because their cells live on in you. And you still know what her heartbeat sounded like from the...
Ready To Talk? Call anytime, day or night: 800-454-5683
Want To Know More?
3123 NW Loop 410, San Antonio, TX 78230 | 800-454-5683 | Email Us