Abrazo Blog
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Waiting Adoptive Parents
If there's anyone we know who could teach a master class in hope and patience, it's surely waiting adoptive parents. Abrazo's Parents-in-Waiting know a thing or two about resilience, after all, having weathered the many disappointments of infertility and fertility...
Parental Alienation in Adoption
It's said that "we hurt most the ones we love" and that's never more true than what's done to children when there's parental alienation in adoption. "Parental alienation" is a term that arose out of divorce and joint custody disputes. It refers to the efforts of one...
Adoption during the Coronavirus Pandemic
How, exactly, does one do an adoption during the coronavirus pandemic? It's not something we were thinking much about even a month ago, but suddenly, here we are. President Trump has announced a national emergency due to coronavirus (otherwise known as COVID-19) and...
Could Adoption Have Saved Gabriel Fernandez?
Anyone who has watched the wrenching real-life saga on Netflix surely comes away wondering: could adoption have saved Gabriel Fernandez? If you don't have Netflix, you may not know the tragedy that befell eight-year-old Gabriel Fernandez. He was just one of the many...
How To Choose A Family For Your Child
This is how to choose a family for your child, if you need to make adoption plans. Perhaps you're facing an unwanted pregnancy. Maybe you're already parenting but wish you weren't. Either way, you're not alone. (Like, really. There's more people in your shoes right...
Open Adoptions with Unstable Birthparents
One of the questions that we're frequently asked is "how do folks manage open adoptions with unstable birthparents?" The birthparents Abrazo serves are usually some of the most strong and courageous people we know, frankly. But it's understandable why people worry...
Does Size Matter?
When it comes to choosing an adoption agency, does size matter? We chose this particular blog title intentionally, of course. Because Abrazo is big on humor, and having been founded in a state made famous for a movie starring Dolly Parton and the late Burt Reynolds,...
How to Bust an Adoption Scammer
"How to Bust an Adoption Scammer" is not a course they teach in grad school. (But if you're going into social work to work in adoption, it probably should be.) Adoption scams can be perpetuated by anyone with an ulterior motive and a lack of ethics. And scams aren't...
The People Who Choose Open Adoption
There's something extra special about the people who choose open adoption. We're not just talking about the folks who stumble into it not knowing any better. Nor those who use it simply as a means to an end, to get what they want. We're talking about the people who...
Giving Up a Baby for Adoption
When you're thinking of giving up a baby for adoption or placing a child for adoption, it's hard to know what to expect. Pregnancy is such a noticeable condition, yet adoption is such a private decision. It can feel very lonely, especially if you're doing it all by...
Ready To Talk? Call anytime, day or night: 800-454-5683
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