Abrazo Blog
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When Your Child’s Birthparent is An Addict
When your child's birthparent is an addict or the child you're adopting is drug-exposed during pregnancy, your adoption journey may follow a map that will look more colorful than most. That doesn't mean it's better nor worse. It just means it's different than it would...
A Guiding Star
If tonight's sky is darker yet the moon seems brighter, it might be because heaven has gained a guiding star. The Abrazo community knew him as “Grandpa Bruce.” He wasn’t really everybody’s grandfather, of course. But he was “grandpa” to the adoptive family who brought...
Adopting Is Hard
Adopting is hard... As anyone who's adopted can tell you, there's a mountain of paperwork that's required. Applications, income tax returns, floor plans. Photos of the applicants and their home. Reference letters. Proof of infertility status. Employment references....
A Child Needs You
Dear Stable Person with Love to Share: a child needs you. You may (or may not) have considered foster care or adoption before. “I don’t know if this is for us,” you may be saying. After all, your lives are secure, your relationships feel solid, and your home life is...
Adoption Means Change
If there were ever three words that say it all, it would be these: adoption means change. We were reminded of that this month, as our staff took on the mighty task of moving our agency from the high-rise where we'd been for 26 years to a free-standing office building...
Don’t Call it Adoption if it Isn’t
Once more, for those in the back: don’t call it adoption if it isn’t. (Please. Just. Don’t..) Here’s why we’re putting this out there... Adoption is a sacred vow, a tender transfer and a legal commitment that’s meant to last. It’s not “just an arrangement” or a...
When Sad Things Happen to Nice People
A stillborn baby this week reminds us of life's mysteries, like when sad things happen to nice people. The prospective birthcouple were nice people, who'd already faced great hardship in life and meant to do something good for their unborn baby. The hopeful adoptive...
Giving Up a Baby
Giving up a baby for adoption is the hardest decision most parents ever have to face in their lifetime, even for those who choose to place. At Abrazo, we don't call it giving up a baby, of course. We refer to the act of surrendering parental rights as "placing a baby...
Not Everyone Can Parent
Can we all stop pretending, and admit that not everyone can parent? Parent is both a noun and a verb. But just because someone can birth a child does not mean one can parent effectively. We were reminded of that this week, sadly. A 35-year-old Texas mom named Laura...
For Rainbow Families facing Painful Times
This is a word of encouragement for rainbow families facing painful times. Rainbow families are those who adopt outside their race, and by some accounts, this describes 40% of all adoptions nowadays. Abrazo has been blessed to have been a part of countless transracial...
Ready To Talk? Call anytime, day or night: 800-454-5683
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