I Have a Dream….

I Have a Dream….

In one of the most famous speeches every heard in America, a pastor and father of four said “I have a dream… I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the...
Righting Adoption Wrongs

Righting Adoption Wrongs

This is a tribute to a mother who made righting adoption wrongs a one woman crusade. Her name is Sandy Musser. In 1954, Sandy found herself pregnant out of wedlock at the age of 15. She did what “girls in trouble” were supposed to do in that era. Sandy...
Dear Texas Governor…

Dear Texas Governor…

Dear Texas Governor Abbott: Greetings from the best ‘lil adoption agency in Texas, Abrazo Adoption Associates. Our staff has been visiting your workplace every other year, so you may be familiar with us? (Because unlike a lot of Texas adoption agencies, we speak...
Begging for Change in Adoption

Begging for Change in Adoption

My name is Elizabeth Jurenovich, and I spent last Wednesday in Austin, begging for change in adoption laws here in the great State of Texas. I almost didn’t go, to tell the truth. I’ve been to the Texas Legislature before, begging for change in adoption....
Texas Adoptee Rights

Texas Adoptee Rights

Shouldn’t Texas adoptee rights be a huge priority in the Lone Star State? Don’t we brag that everything here is bigger and better? We wish we could say Texas adoptee rights are a civil rights priority for all our state lawmakers. After all, we Texans like...
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for New Placing Parents/Medical Emergencies

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3123 Northwest Loop 410
San Antonio, TX 78230