Homework For Adopting Parents

Ready To Talk? Call 210-342-5683

Prepare for Texas Adoption

At Abrazo, we clearly know that all of our Parents-In-Waiting are great folks who are more than ready to love a child and navigate the process of how to adopt in Texas!

Still, Texas Licensing officials want us to keep y’all busy with learning activities and homework between admission and finalization, and to have quarterly documentation in each family’s file that this was done. (Look at the bright side: it’ll give you something productive to do, besides shopping and getting the nursery ready, in the months between starting the process and enjoying those sleepless nights once baby comes home.)

Staying Active and Informed: Texas Adoption Homework

In addition to completing Infant & Child CPR training and participating on Abrazo’s Forum actively monthly (that means posting, not just lurking!), Parents-In-Waiting will find monthly homework here: informational readings and worksheets to prepare them for the adoption endeavors and the journey of parenthood that lies ahead.

Extra Resources on Adopting a Child in Texas

Abrazo also maintains a lending library of books and adoption movies on DVD, for those who wish to make use of it. You can also find great online learning courses at Childcare Lounge and Adoption Learning Partners. (And if you want to earn extra credit, attend adoption or bonding/attachment workshops or seminars or conferences in your area, and send us proof of attendance, so our Licensing officials can be as impressed with you as we surely will be.)

Teamwork in Adoption: Complete Your Homework Together

Please take responsibility for doing your homework together, so both spouses are benefiting, and send completed assignments in to your Family Services Coordinator at least quarterly through finalization, in accordance with Texas Department of Family & Protective Services standards for all prospective adoptive parents.

Ready To Talk? Call: 210-342-5683

Want To Know More?

3123 NW Loop 410, San Antonio, TX 78230 | 800-454-5683 | Email Us
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for New Placing Parents/Medical Emergencies

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Placing parents calling from outside Texas, please call collect:
210-342-LOVE (5683)

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3123 Northwest Loop 410
San Antonio, TX 78230