Abrazo Blog
Ready To Talk? Call anytime, day or night: 800-454-5683
Toddler Adoption
Abrazo has been a leader in toddler adoption in Texas since 1994. Most people assume that adoption is just for babies. But toddler adoption is an essential option in child placement planning, as well. Mothers who consider adoption during pregnancy are often persuaded...
How to Put a Baby Up for Adoption
"How to put a baby up for adoption" was what she searched before calling Abrazo the first time. It wasn't the first time she'd thought about it. But it was the first time she actually looked into how to put a baby up for adoption. The first time she got pregnant she...
What Open Adoption Means
Today's adoption finalization was a beautiful reminder of what open adoption means. Google "what open adoption means" and you'll find plenty of different explanations. What open adoption means in its simplest form is just that birthparents and adoptive parents have...
Disaster and Resilience
Today being the 18th anniversary of September 11, our topic of discussion at birthparent support group today was, naturally, disaster and resilience. After all, on September 11, 2001, three thousand people lost their lives in the terrorist attacks on American soil....
How Not to do Adoption
Can we talk about how not to do adoption? There's plenty of information about how to do adoption, but let's look at how not to do adoption, because lately, it seems that's not discussed widely enough. We get it: adoption is not a cheap pursuit. The adoption process...
Protect Yourself from Adoption Scams
Knowing how to protect yourself from adoption scams is essential-- whether you're placing, adopting or working in adoption. Ask the average American about adoption scams and they'll say it's about somebody promising to place a baby for adoption but then backing out....
Adoptions at Abrazo
"We do baby adoptions at Abrazo," our staff patiently reminds confused callers from all across the state, every week. (Our Google Adwords account is supposed to emphasize adoptions at Abrazo and screen out negative keywords like "pet adoption" or "how to adopt a...
Childless Couple Interested in Adopting
If you're a childless couple interested in adopting, take heart! You may definitely may benefit from beginner's luck. (Even if the idea of adopting after infertility seems exhausting?) Rest assured: the childless couple interested in adopting who walks away from...
Trashing Adoptive Parents
Trashing adoptive parents seems to have become social media's favorite indoor sport, lately. Anti-adoption websites label hopeful adopters as "adoptoraptors" and repost their profiles with vicious commentary rebuking them for seeking to adopt at all. Disgruntled adult...
The Nine Cardinal Sins in Adoption
Here's Abrazo's list of the Nine Cardinal Sins in Adoption. There are different ways to excel at or fail in adoption, of course. But if you want to do the sort of adoption that makes Abrazo especially proud of you and which helps you sleep well at night, then here are...
Ready To Talk? Call anytime, day or night: 800-454-5683
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