Working in Child Welfare

Working in Child Welfare

For many, the phrase “working in child welfare” conjures up touching images– rocking babies, getting hugs from toddlers, saving children from unsavory fates…and yes, sometimes, that fits. But ask anyone who’s been working in child welfare...
I Need to Give Up My Baby

I Need to Give Up My Baby

“I need to give up my baby,” she said. She hadn’t gotten much (any?) prenatal care. (That would’ve made the unwanted pregnancy seem far too real, she said.) She hadn’t told anyone she was pregnant, except her parents. They told her they...
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24-Hour Birthparent HelpLine
for New Placing Parents/Medical Emergencies

Placing parents calling from Texas or surrounding states:

Placing parents calling from outside Texas, please call collect:
210-342-LOVE (5683)

Placing parents text:


Mailing address:

3123 Northwest Loop 410
San Antonio, TX 78230