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Everything posted by karen&scott

  1. John, I did not know your brother Ralph... I do not even know you in person, but I feel your loss today as you remember the time you had together and as you grieve the time you and your brother are apart. I am sorry. Peace to you and your entire family. Karen
  2. Dear Nana, Well...we are still waiting on your update after meeting your newest granddaughter? (Bragging is so welcome here!!!) We understand if your too busy holding and loving her to pieces! Congratulations to the new parents, Josh and Kara too! Never forgetting the first Mom (and birthgrandma) who chose them (and you) for baby Julia. Peace, Karen
  3. Keeping HOPE alive for those still waiting...miracles happen every day and in every way! Congratulations to all the newest families who have blessed by open adoption...and the waiting, whether short or long, has become crystal clear through the eyes of your precious Blessings and their Birthfamilies. Love to all, Karen
  4. Melissa and Danny, I am really glad you posted this experience on the forum because we ALL learn how easy it is to be scammed (or at least get caught up), and not just think it can only happen to desperate people who do not know better. Glad you are here to learn and to help us learn too! Stay plugged in and keep reaching out because it may lead you to the right place, to the right person, for all the right reasons. Good luck, Karen
  5. WOW Billie, I am way impressed with you. You already have your own blog, you've posted pictures in the gallery and you even have a personalized avatar! All in 24 hours. Wow!

  6. I am so excited for the Mohlers and Mark&Laurie (and anyone else) who is brave enough to reach out on their own! Anyone else? Make sure you post so we will know who you are...I think this is an awesome thing to do. Even more excited to hear about the RESULTS! Good Luck. Karen
  7. I agree Melissa, I think Donna's post is very very helpful to so many!!! I wish I had been more involved in finding our baby, in hindsight I just wasn't there yet. At the time, I was still very private and secretive about our infertility and our struggles, not giving people enough credit for understanding, much less helping us. I could definitely do it now! I think the more you talk about it, and not see it as this impossible dream, you will find "who" needs you most! Karen
  8. I finally watched Juno last night. My 12 year old daughter looked on at different times during the movie. She asked me "how did she get pregnant?". I said because she had sex, one time, the first time. What struck me during the movie, as Juno experienced her pregnancy and the emotions of her options that went with each, was that...pregnancy in itself is not bad, it's just the options that are so darn difficult, for a woman not ready to parent. I was okay with the ending, although I didn't want it to be over. For Juno and Bleaker it will never be over, I felt that. There was a sweetness about the movie, the innocence of the young, the innocence of having sex... which somehow becomes a huge (not so innocent) problem. It portrayed the naivity of the so-called adults (and parents) around them, including the medical technician. Juno knew what she needed to do, despite many fears and uncertainties. I could relate to Juno, she reminded me of our daughter's first Mom, who became pregnant while in High School. She, too, had this tough exterior and strong will, with self protected emotion underneath. God Bless all First Moms! Karen
  9. Happy Birthday!

    And hoping you have a super terrific day. Hugs to you and Kristal!

  10. Your recent reconnection with your birthdaughter after 19 years of waiting and wondering is the most wonderful and joyous news to all of us who have followed your journey. I love you for the person you are, Mommy of two beautiful children and first Mom of a remarkable young lady.

  11. I just wanted to share what my parents did last year and are doing again this year. Throughout the year, they attend various charity events, and most have silent auctions. They bid on items for the sole purpose of winning and donating to our raffle at Camp Abrazo. This year already looks exciting! So far we have... A handcrafted toddler rocking chair, painted royal blue with matching blanket (very adorable!)... Two ceramic angels, one lights up with different hues, the other a small statue. Both are beautiful! And a handmade animal print quilt, jungle theme. Really neat! There's more... but it's a Surprise!!! So So Excited!!!! And thankful to them for always thinking of ways to help! Go Grandpaw Bruce and Grandma Pat! Karen
  12. karen&scott


    I think the reason your question has gone unanswered by those of us who would usually respond quicker...is because there has been much discussion all over this forum (recently) about adopters coming to the adoption process with certain defined expectations ie: wanting a full hispanic infant, etc. However I think if your preferences are also open to "other than" then your chances of acceptance will be greater. Good luck. Karen
  13. I agree, this is so very beautiful!!!! And the picture in the gallery is also beautiful, with the sun shining through the window behind you all. Thanks for sharing this special ceremony and prayer. Wow, what a day! Karen
  14. karen&scott


    Good luck Erin and James... wherever and however your journey begins and ends. I really do not believe the child you now parent stands in your way of adopting, if that is where your heart is leading you. Peace, Karen
  15. karen&scott


    Oh Natalie, how I would love to be 25 again!!! I didn't become a parent until I was 32. And now I parent two at 43 (shhhh). Now I can only pretend to be younger, keeping up with a pre-teen and a first grader who keep me on my toes. No wonder I am tired all the time...but I wouldn't trade any of our journey for the world. Best of luck to you... And Erin and James. The initial questionaires are important...so take your time answering and searching your soul for how an adoption agency can best help you. Open adoption is an option for family building for those who come with openness, desire, willingness and need to learn more....on how to become ready with realistic expectations. On top of agency specific requirements like age and length of marraige, proof of infertility, etc. In the beginning open adoption is more about connecting with an expectant Mom/Dad and less about parenting their baby. The later will come naturally. Be honest to yourselves and to the parents who will entrust you to parent through adoption, if this is the option you choose. Be ready to work through many thoughts and feelings (and discussions with your spouse) you've maybe never explored before now. Karen
  16. Adding more (((hugs))) and special prayers... for the first Momma and Daddy of Lauryn Elizabeth and her chosen parents! Karen
  17. karen&scott


    Hi Erin and James! Welcome to Abrazo...we'd love to know more about you both. As you can see, open adoption is way more than a concept here, it's a way of life! James, if your comfortable enough, please do share about your search and reunion with your birthfamily, because we love those journeys and the emotions that come with them. I promise you will have a captive audience, who really do understand. We know not everyone is successful in their search, so I am glad to know you were/are. For other reunion posts, please visit under Adoptees, Coming Full Circle. You can even start your own blog, especially if you like to journal. Erin, I admire your courage and concern, your first post worrying about if your family fits what Abrazo is looking for. I think most of us can admit we have had some of the same feelings in the beginning. Good for you for saying it and asking it. Good luck on your journey, wherever it begins. Karen
  18. karen&scott


    Hi Kris! I know your time is not your own... parenting 6 kids! Whew...I am in total admiration of your energy and love. We would love to hear more from you, anytime! I know you have a wealth of information which would be so helpful to us all. I noticed this was only your 12th post...please do keep posting. Hugs, Karen
  19. Hi Saint! Would you care to share why it took some convincing? Can you remember why you had hesitations and fears? We would love to hear your turn-about! I know for me personally, making that first phone call to Abrazo was a BIG deal! I was ready (and desperate for a plan for our life). I just know I sounded so pathetic on the phone. Lucky for me, I got this great guy, (who worked at Abrazo at the time) who was sooo patient, answering all my loaded questions. He was so caring and CALM, I just knew that we were going to be OK! (And this was pre-forum, 1995.) Karen
  20. Amanda, I do not know how people would feel about a post adoption yard sale. I guess they may figure you made it this far, you already have your daughter, why would you need extra funds unless there is extenuating circumstances like unexpected special needs, etc? We all have bills that we would like paid sooner than later, some may think to themselves. Come to think of it, why does anyone need to know why you are having a yard sale? And if you wanted to share some of your reasons, you could just say to help defray costs of finalization, coming up in a few months. Your question reminded me (not that it is anything similar) of a horribly tragic story of a family that found themselves caring for a once healthy and now wheel chair bound young toddler after surviving a car accident. (Some would say her survival was not exactly a blessing.) Long story short, the Mom and Dad were members of the local country club, where I played tennis at the time. Several of the families wanted to do a fund raiser for them at the country club and they did. I always thought it was strange because if I found myself and my family financially stressed (due to medical bills, and especially ones that were not going to go away, ever), the first thing I would do is drop the country club membership. Some would argue they need their hobbies now more than ever. It just did not make alot of sense to me. Were we being asked to support their country club dues and/or to help buy medical equipment for their daughter? Not sure. Anyways, back to Amanda's question... I hope you get some other responses. Karen
  21. Welcome Melissa... aka Ms. Ortega! No worries, Abrazo will get back with you. So many of us can relate, that even alittle patience right now is extra hard, when you are sooo ready! I can remember our first orientation back in 1995, somehow we missed the July date (by days) because it got filled up. I was crushed. The next one wasn't until October. I can remember sitting in the room (at orientation...finally) thinking we were the ones who had waited the longest to get there, how unfair was that? There was no need for us to feel rushed (or delayed) because our daughter was born Dec 6, 1995 and the rest is history! Keep the faith. Karen
  22. Oh Mandy, yeah for DAD!!!!! I am so glad your Dad is very strong-willed! As he is showing us (all) how to overcome any and all medical complications. So so happy he will be home today! Karen
  23. Welcome Julie! I am glad you found your way to Abrazo. It's really easy to feel at home here via the forum. Please keep posting. Best of luck to you and your husband on your soon-to-be amazing journey. Karen
  24. Hello Runyan 2002! Welcome to the forum family! Thanks for posting on this "not so easy" topic. (It's only your second post? wow!) Karen
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