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TeyandTy's Mom

Abrazo's Elite
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TeyandTy's Mom last won the day on August 10 2011

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About TeyandTy's Mom

  • Birthday 07/17/1972

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Charleston, West Virginia
  • Interests
    My boys, my job, my pets, my family and my friends!<br />Letting everyone know about ABRAZO!


  • Member Interest Area: choose one
    Adopting Parent

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  • Currently reading
    Glass Castle

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  1. Oh how sad! What a wonderful lady she was. I am so glad I was able to meet her at camp. How amazing that she and Bruce were reunited and enjoyed their time together. She will be missed. What a blessing she was to everyone. Praying for Granpa Bruce and the Scott family.
  2. I love this site. I forget it all too often. Light a candle for those you love!
  3. Elizabeth,

    I am thinking of you! Glad you and I crossed paths. Two little boys I know would certainly agree.

  4. Thinking of Elizabeth and her boys and Paul and his family. Lord be with them today as they deal with the loss of their father and grandfather.
  5. Love it! How did you find our video? We did'nt think we had officially released it! Happy Thanksgiving to you to!
  6. Lets get more candles lit for those we love. http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/candle...ng&gi=Adopt
  7. Congratulations! What a beautiful story!
  8. I just have to share this praise. Earlier last week I shared with Tyson that he should pray for his birthgrandmother Linda because she is sick (she has cancer). I did'nt tell him exactly what was wrong with her just that she is sick. So, yesterday we went to church and the boys went to their class. Apparently during Tysons class the kids put together a praise and prayer list. Tyson told his teacher to pray for his birthgrandmother Linda in Texas. I did'nt know he did it. So, a while ago I received an email of the church prayer list that is sent to all church members. I looked through each one and near the bottom it read... Tyson Rohmiller- My birthgrandmother Linda in Texas I am so proud...they get it! I called K his birthmother and told her and she was so happy and teared up! God is Good!
  9. Congratulations to the newest family!
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