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About stennison

  • Birthday 12/10/1967

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    My 2 beautiful children, children's ministry, scrap booking, aerobics, and of course I love shopping.

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  1. Happy Birthday, Sherrie! It's been awhile since you were on the Forum last, but I wanted you to know we miss you and we're hoping your birthday is extra special this year!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS !!!!! I am so excited for yall.
  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so excited for yall. What a beautiful little girl. Get ready Marcello she will have you wrapped around her little finger in no time.
  5. CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!!! Enjoy every minute! Times goes by way to quickly!
  6. Cliff & Allison I am so happy for yall. Last year we too booked our vacation and had to cancel 4 weeks before. Brenli is way better than the Bahamas. Enjoy your baby boy you waited a LONG time.
  7. CONGRATULATIONS Dan & Erica and little Danny, It sounds like we missed alot by not going to camp. I am so very happy for your family. Take Care and enjoy your new little blessing.
  8. OH MY GOSH !!!!!!!!!! Wow I am so excited for you guys. I can't wait to hear all about it....
  9. Hey Lisa, I just wanted to tell you about our expierence the second time around. As you know we have a son (Dylan) who is 8 and Brenli is now 1. Dylan's birthmother passed away 2 years ago in April and the hardest thing for me with our very open adoption with Brenli's birth family is Dylan. He once told me he didn't want Brenli's birthmom to visit anymore because he gets sad that he can't see his birthmom. I just told him that wouldn't be fare to Brenli and told him that Brenli's birthfamily love him very much too. Lisa (birth grandmother) wrote Dylan a letter asking him to adopt her as his mammaw as well. This way he and Brenli both call her mammaw. It has helped so much. I think Dylan thinks of Lauren(Brenli's BP) as a big sister. Dylan has not expressed anymore concerns since that one time. I still get sad when I think of the relationship I will never have with Dylan's BP. I miss her so much, I can't imagine how it would be to know she is alive and not be able to share all the wonderful things about her child as you do with Kaleigh. The second time around is alot different. Elizabeth always told me it would be and she was right(as usual). I am so grateful for Brenli's birth family they mean so much to us. Good luck.
  10. YEAH Chad & Jean, I have been thinking of yall and praying. I am so excited to hear the great news. Congratulations!!!!!
  11. Tony & Donna, Ethan is so adorable. I know yall are so proud of him. Best Wishes.
  12. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Little girls are so much fun!!
  13. Terlyn & Jose - It is so good to hear from you. Anamarie is soooo beautiful. How are you guys doing? How is work going and everything else in your busy life? Please keep in touch. Are yall going to Camp this year? I would love to see more of the dandy dozen there this year. Anyway keep us posted on your beautiful daughter. Take Care
  14. Kenneth & Mary - I am so excited for yall. Our group is now complete. I know you are so thrilled to have your little baby boy. Enjoy every minute. May God continue to bless your family. I can't wait to see pictures.
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