There's a lot being said, lately, about abortion and adoption. It's such a hot topic lately that even the media and the Supreme Court are talking about it. We're not here to tell you what to think or believe. We don't condemn those who side with either option. But...
Don’t Force It
If you’re having a hard time celebrating Birthmother’s Day or Mother’s Day (or motherhood or the lack of it), don’t force it. Feel what you feel. Know that you’re not alone. At this point, here in America, many of us are struggling to define the whole concept of...
When Abortion isn’t Available
What do you do when you don’t want to be pregnant, but when abortion isn’t available? The new Texas abortion law makes pregnancy termination procedures available only to those who know they are pregnant within two weeks of missing a period-- or just to those with the...
Adoption Help
"I'm looking for adoption help nearby, can you help me?" She was pregnant and due soon. She'd left an abusive relationship out-of-state and moved to Texas with her small kids in a car that was barely held together with prayers and duct tape. Along the way, she'd...
Don’t Want Your Kids?
To anyone out there who's wishing they weren't parenting, if you don't want your kids, we know plenty of folks who long to be a mom and dad. We were, frankly, appalled to read a Golf Monthly article entitled "1 in 50 Americans Would Put a Child Up For Adoption To Play...
Open Adoption Boundaries & Barriers
Being in a state like Texas, there's a lot to unpack when one thinks about open adoption boundaries and barriers. Texas adoption laws allow for open adoptions, yet that any open adoption agreements entered into in Texas are not legally-enforceable. (So yes, parents...
Non-parenting Mothers
Ever notice how American culture vilifies non-parenting mothers, even those who are not bad moms? Non-parenting mothers are women who have given birth but for whatever reason, did not parent or are not raising their children. Forfeiting the rights and responsibilities...
A Guest at the Birth
To be asked to be a guest at the birth is both an honor and a responsibility. To be asked to be present when an adoption plan is pending is even more monumental. It can be controversial, to be sure. Whether you are a birthfamily member, a prospective adoptive parents...
If Mary Had Placed…?
A birthmother's visit to Abrazo's office two days before Christmas got us thinking: what if Mary had placed? A Modern Day Madonna There's this birthmother we know and love. She's beautiful. She's funny. And she'd be the first to tell you, her life is a hot mess....
The Beauty of Birthsiblings
In open adoption, the beauty of birthsiblings is that adoptees can gain the home they most need without losing the sibling connections they're likely to most treasure, over time. At Abrazo, the majority of the children who get adopted here are blest to have...
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