This Father's Day weekend, as we honor all the birthfathers, fathers and grandfathers we know and love, we are reminded of how much kids need good dads. We all know that there are children who thrive in the care of single mothers. In some circles, it may seem like...
The State of our Adoption Union
The best way to evaluate the success of any adoption, perhaps, is to periodically self-review. Ask yourself, from time to time: "what is the state of our adoption union?" Even our nation's leaders do an annual "state of the union" address. So it's just as important...
If Not For the Women
Abrazo would not exist if not for the women. Sorry, guys, but that's clearly the truth. We know you do play an important part in the placements we do here. But Abrazo was founded by a woman (with funding loaned by two male attorneys) and the majority of Abrazo staff...
Persevering in Adoption
If there's one thing adoption participants know a thing or two about, it's persevering in adoption. Because adoption just isn't simple-- whether you've been adopted, are adopting, have placed, are giving up a child for adoption, have adopted, or work in adoption....
5 Ways to Sabotage an Adoption Plan
These are 5 ways to sabotage an adoption plan, for those who may be new to the process. 5. Expect Perfection Forget that adoption is a human construct, relied upon those who are in crisis. Assume the "if I have to resort to settling for adoption, then I better get......
Adoption Isn’t Easy
For all its power to transform lives, adoption isn't easy. Maybe it seemed easier years ago, because it wasn't done in the open. For a long time, adoption was not discussed in "polite society" at all. Adoption was something done in secret, whether one was "giving up a...
A New Beginning
She had come to Abrazo in search of a new beginning. Not yet thirty, she already felt old. She'd dropped out of school and left home during her first pregnancy, but had lost that child to the State. She dulled the pain with street drugs and went on looking for love in...
The Year That Was
It's that season when that our adoption agency welcomes stacks of annual reports, and yes, we do indeed read every single one... but this year, we are reading them astounded at the year that was. This time last year, your annual reports were filled with joyous tales...
Chosen Parents
All parents are born, of course-- but only some get to become chosen parents through open adoption at Abrazo. Getting chosen parents here usually takes 6-12 months or less for childless couples. (For couples who already have kids, the wait is generally twelve months...
Thankful… for Adoption?
Are you thankful for adoption? As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, in the midst of National Adoption Awareness Month, the best answer to that question is unique to the heart of whomever gets asked it. For many people, adoption remains the broken road by which they...
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