Dear Parent Who Adopted Long Ago…

Dear Parent Who Adopted Long Ago…

Dear Parent Who Adopted Long Ago: your child has contacted our agency for information. It is always a pleasure to hear from those who were adopted here, of course. And we're glad your son or daughter knew where to reach us. (Kudos to you for that!) The information we...

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Adoption Near Me

Adoption Near Me

The whole thing started with three words: "adoption near me." That was what she googled, the day she realized her baby deserved more. More than a life of hardship. More than a future with no father. More than an unemployed, stressed-out single mom who didn't know who...

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Kids Need Good Dads

Kids Need Good Dads

This Father's Day weekend, as we honor all the birthfathers, fathers and grandfathers we know and love, we are reminded of how much kids need good dads. We all know that there are children who thrive in the care of single mothers. In some circles, it may seem like...

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3123 NW Loop 410San Antonio, TX 78230 | 800-454-5683 | Email Us

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for New Placing Parents/Medical Emergencies

Placing parents calling from Texas or surrounding states:

Placing parents calling from outside Texas, please call collect:
210-342-LOVE (5683)

Placing parents text:


Mailing address:

3123 Northwest Loop 410
San Antonio, TX 78230