A Last-Minute Adoption

A Last-Minute Adoption

If you need to know how to do a last-minute adoption, you’ve come to the right place. Since 1994, Abrazo has been serving the needs of parents who’ve struggled to choose wisely for their children in times of trouble. Because the reality is that nobody...
Abortion and Adoption

Abortion and Adoption

There’s a lot being said, lately, about abortion and adoption. It’s such a hot topic lately that even the media and the Supreme Court are talking about it. We’re not here to tell you what to think or believe. We don’t condemn those who side...
Don’t Force It

Don’t Force It

If you’re having a hard time celebrating Birthmother’s Day or Mother’s Day (or motherhood or the lack of it), don’t force it. Feel what you feel. Know that you’re not alone. At this point, here in America, many of us are struggling to define the whole concept of...
When Abortion isn’t Available

When Abortion isn’t Available

What do you do when you don’t want to be pregnant, but when abortion isn’t available? The new Texas abortion law makes pregnancy termination procedures available only to those who know they are pregnant within two weeks of missing a period– or just to those with...
Adoption Help

Adoption Help

“I’m looking for adoption help nearby, can you help me?” She was pregnant and due soon. She’d left an abusive relationship out-of-state and moved to Texas with her small kids in a car that was barely held together with prayers and duct tape....
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24-Hour Birthparent HelpLine
for New Placing Parents/Medical Emergencies

Placing parents calling from Texas or surrounding states:

Placing parents calling from outside Texas, please call collect:
210-342-LOVE (5683)

Placing parents text:


Mailing address:

3123 Northwest Loop 410
San Antonio, TX 78230