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Everything posted by RHSegura

  1. Elizabeth, I have heard that it is very hard to adopt children out of the state system across state lines. Is that true? Just curious - we have looked at the TARE website many times and wondered.
  2. Very happy for you Dale and Jennifer! So happy you have this close bond with your new daughters family as well!! What a blessing!!!!
  3. Congratulations to the Wilsons as you get to know this precious bundle and this new family that you love!
  4. There's already a lot of information and opinions about this topic, but just thought I'd share having adopted fairly recently. Breast feeding our child after placement was not something we looked into or desired to do. Maybe that makes me terribly strange, but I was more than happy to bottle feed. I can truly say that I believe we have bonded with our child and that he is very healthy having been formula fed from birth. I will say that especially the first two weeks my husband also really enjoyed participating in the feeding (we did every other till he went back to work). No matter how the baby is fed, I felt it was an intimate and bonding time just meeting his needs by feeding him. We did not have the opportunity to meet our child's birth family and I would have certainly felt uncomfortable doing that without discussing it first with them. Also, one thing about adoption is that it is so unpredictable as far as timing, things possibly changing after the child's birth, early arrivals, short times from matching till placement, etc. I personally think the more flexible in their expectations the adoptive family is the better - due to so many circumstances outside of our control. I think it would be frustrating and maybe rob a family of joy if the focus was more on things like breast feeding preparation etc. than just being in the moment and going with the flow and soaking in every minute without a lot of distractions. That is totally just my opinion and I know everyone has different desires and needs, so what was right for us certainly is not right for everyone else. Just sharing from personal experience. I have been scolded by another adoptive mom for NOT breastfeeding (she thought I was shortchanging my son) but that does not change how I feel.
  5. Congratulations to the newly expanded families and blessings on this sweet baby boy!
  6. Or Ken, if its not Beth!

  7. I'll try to get Rudy on here, we'll see what happens!!!!

  8. Beautiful announcement and truly happy for you, Allie and Ross!! May these next few weeks be a blessed time for you all.
  9. That's great! You'll find that all the timing on things will work out just right
  10. Congratulations to the newly formed family!
  11. We love that shirt! Thanks for giving it to him. Everyone out in California just oohhed and ahhed over it too :)

  12. Love your new pictures! Drake is so big and handsome!

  13. So sad for this family. Our prayers are with them. I can't even imagine how difficult this has been. Life is so precious.
  14. Hi Charu! How have you and Darshan been doing? If you have a chance, post an update on what you have been up to! Hope you enjoy the holidays.

  15. Congratulations Amy & Craig! Blessings to all of you.
  16. We used the same agency this year and their fees are still $1500. We had a few minor issues with paperwork not getting to the right places at the right time, but overall it was a good experience and we would use them again!
  17. Your grandson is absolutely ADORABLE! So happy to see him in person!

  18. Just had to share, Rudy thinks that Landon looks a lot like Luke, especially in the tummy pic you put up :) Landon's getting so big!

  19. We would love to talk to you too. Sometimes I see Luke doing certain things and wonder if Sofia was like that too. Maybe we can set up a good time to talk.

  20. Happy birthday! Hope your family is doing well! Luke Miguel is getting so big and changing every day. I am sure Sofia is also!

  21. Several years ago, we heard something that we had no idea would change our lives. We were at a neighborhood picnic, and met a couple with the sweetest baby boy. We started talking to them, and they mentioned Abrazo. I remember saying the word several times to myself hoping to remember it so when I got home I could look it up online. I did remember, and bookmarked the site. Fast forward to last October. Many circumstances brought us last fall to pursue adoption. We did our homework and researched a lot of agencies, and thankfully we did still have Abrazo bookmarked! To make a long story short, we went to February orientation and met some of the most amazing couples ever. We left with a feeling we hadn't had in a while about having children and that was hope. Skipping many details, we finished our homestudy and on a Wednesday (St. Patricks day) got a fax from Angela about a match. I was standing in the UPS store receiving the fax and looked down - a boy. Our hearts were full as we considered the possibility of actually being parents in April. Two days later, on Friday 3/19 my phone vibrated at work and I broke all the rules to take my "restricted" call. He was born. Houston. Healthy. Birthmother healthy. Come. The words just swirled around and I left work, and Rudy and I started driving to Houston. We stopped on the way to get a car seat and diapers, and sleepers and that was about all we showed up with! I can not begin to tell you what peace it brought to us to have Angela with us every step that first evening and the morning after. It brought our hearts comfort to know that Luke's birthmother trusted Angela as well and leaned on her for support through this difficult decision. We met our baby boy and our lives have not been the same. We definitely see each day as a gift. He turns seven months tomorrow and we can't believe how blessed we are. We are also thankful that we finally met people through Abrazo (and hopefully lifelong friends) that have been on a similar journey. There were two words we needed to describe whatever agency we used - and those were ethical and compassionate. We have found both of those things to be true about Abrazo every step of the way. Our hearts are so thankful.
  22. Congratulations Steven and Melissa - you've had a lot of ups and downs along the way. Blessing to all of you as your begin your life with this precious little boy. Special thoughts to the birth family as they begin their healing process.
  23. Been thinking of you guys! Hope everything is going well!

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