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Abrazo's Elite
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RHSegura last won the day on July 9 2018

RHSegura had the most liked content!

About RHSegura

  • Birthday 03/09/1980

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    Versailles, Kentucky


  • Member Interest Area: choose one
    Adopting Parent

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RHSegura's Achievements

Forum Elite

Forum Elite (7/7)



  1. Congratulations! The waiting all makes sense in the end.❤
  2. Congratulations on a precious new baby!
  3. Please keep Nathaniel Gomez in your prayers as he has lost his beloved dad! I can't imagine processing that as a young boy. https://www.whitesfuneralhome.com/tributes/Jose-Gomez
  4. Congratulations on the birth of a sweet baby girl and finding each other! ❤
  5. Congratulations to all the newly formed families!!!
  6. Please pray for Abrazodad Joe! He lives near us here in KY. He suffered a stroke this week and needs prayers for strength and recovery! He has incredibly supportive parents and siblings and his son is well cared for with his mom right now. It's a miracle he was found and able to receive care. We are just driving back from the hospital.
  7. Congratulations to the new families!
  8. I can't get them off my heart and mind. It is so, so sad.
  9. So, are there any againers in the upcoming orientation group? ???
  10. Congratulations on coming together as a family for a sweet baby boy!
  11. Susan, I am overjoyed to hear this news!!!!
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