Texas Adoptions

Texas Adoptions

As Abrazo prepares to welcome a new orientation group of prospective adopters interested in doing Texas adoptions, it seems like a good time to share this handy-dandy Texas adoption guide. When you adopt a Texas-born baby or child, you also gain honorary bragging...

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Adoption Icons

Adoption Icons

As the founder and director of Abrazo, I am sometimes asked who influenced my adoption career most? I was fortunate to have “come up through the ranks” during a period in American adoption history that afforded me access to an amazing array of adoption professionals...

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What About Adoptee-Privacy?

What About Adoptee-Privacy?

Not long ago, a famous adoption dispute brought the issue of adoptee-privacy to the forefront. It concerned a baby girl named Veronica, whose birthmom had been placed for adoption without her father’s consent. Her birthfather, a registered member of an Indian tribe,...

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Reviving Adoption

Reviving Adoption

From BraveLove‘s quest to become “a movement to increase modern adoption in the U.S.” to a sneak preview in Washington, D.C. of the pro-adoption documentary I Lived on Parker Avenue, reviving adoption is an honorable mission for many in this country. Domestic adoption...

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Adoption and Race

Adoption and Race

If there were ever two topics that were perhaps equally difficult– and important– to talk about, these would have to be adoption and race. America’s current president made a coarse reference to disadvantaged countries last week. It ironically coincided with an...

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Placing parents calling from outside Texas, please call collect:
210-342-LOVE (5683)

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3123 Northwest Loop 410
San Antonio, TX 78230