A school-age child who was adopted through Abrazo as a baby recently came back with his parents for a visit with our staff. He had one very important question for our director that his parents could not answer for him. Elizabeth was out of town that day, so the staff...
Questions Adoptees Ask Birthmothers
One thing that placing moms in open adoption sometimes worry about are the questions adoptees ask birthmothers in the future. "Kenzie" was attending community college when she had an appendix attack in class. Upon arriving at the hospital, she was stunned when the...
Lost Girls
The world is full of lost girls, but truly, she shouldn’t have been one of them... ? The Girl Who Loved Sunflowers She was bright and beautiful, with a mom and stepdad who always loved her, even though they didn’t stay together. She didn’t enjoy school particularly,...
The Hospital Adoption Experience
For placing parents, planning the hospital adoption experience is important. It's when it's most essential to be thinking for two-- for you and for your baby. (Not for your boyfriend or babydaddy. Not for the people who hope to adopt. Not for your crazy aunt who...
Reconstructing Adoption
Lately, the overturning of Roe v. Wade is bringing the subject of adoption up for debate. Social media backlash, however, rightfully questions whether America should actually be reconstructing adoption, or deconstructing it entirely? In Highland Park, IL a...
Pregnancy Options After Roe v. Wade
What's left of unwanted pregnancy options after Roe V. Wade was overturned by SCOTUS? In a nation where abortion rights were reportedly supported by 61% of the American population (source: Pew Research), it stands to reason that many expectant mothers may now struggle...
When a Baby Meant for Adoption is Stillborn
There may be no crueler irony than when a baby meant for adoption is stillborn. It's a pre-birth tragedy for everyone involved. It's a tragedy for that unborn child-to-be, who was already so lovingly awaited by so many. For the birthparents who feel immense guilt on...
Postcard from Camp
Dear Grandma, I'm sending this postcard from Camp Abrazo to let you know how much fun we're all having. We got here Thursday, so I thought I'd write you a little postcard from camp. Camp Abrazo doesn't actually start until Friday (which is when we get our cool tshirts...
Thank you, Kathleen Silber
Let us all take the opportunity to join in saying "thank you, Kathleen Silber!" If you're new to the adoption community, you may be wondering who Kathleen Silber is, and why we are paying tribute to her? Here's the reason: for all the adoption practitioners who brag...
A Last-Minute Adoption
If you need to know how to do a last-minute adoption, you've come to the right place. Since 1994, Abrazo has been serving the needs of parents who've struggled to choose wisely for their children in times of trouble. Because the reality is that nobody makes adoption...
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