All about Adoption

All about Adoption

"Okay, pretend I'm just a kid and tell me all about adoption?" It's harder to do than it sounds. Adoption is sometimes complicated, after all. (Which may explain what sometimes makes it hard for parents to explain adoption to children?) And helping anyone know "all...

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New To Adoption

New To Adoption

Are you new to adoption? We get it. Adoption is an option nobody usually plans to need, until they do, so nearly everyone starts out new to adoption. There's so much to learn about adoption before doing one, because it's a permanent arrangement if it's all done right....

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Money for Adoption

Money for Adoption

Any time a question gets asked about money for adoption, one thing is sure: somebody is bound to get uncomfortable. And not without good reason. Because no adoption should ever happen just because money was the reason, right? It's against the law in every state for...

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A Surprise Adoption

A Surprise Adoption

TikTok is currently ablaze over the story of what a man recently claimed was a surprise adoption in Texas. (For anyone unfamiliar with the term, a "surprise adoption" is typically an unexpected placement arranged after the birth of a baby who needs an immediate home.)...

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3123 Northwest Loop 410
San Antonio, TX 78230