Non-parenting Mothers
Ever notice how American culture vilifies non-parenting mothers, even those who are not bad moms? Non-parenting mothers are women who have given birth but for whatever reason, did not parent or are not raising their children. Forfeiting the rights and responsibilities...
A Guest at the Birth
To be asked to be a guest at the birth is both an honor and a responsibility. To be asked to be present when an adoption plan is pending is even more monumental. It can be controversial, to be sure. Whether you are a birthfamily member, a prospective adoptive parents...
5 Pitfalls to Avoid When Trying to Adopt
The recent news of a suspected adoption scam in Houston brings to mind these 5 pitfalls to avoid when trying to adopt. Do-it-yourself adoption schemes (aka “private adoption” plans) are understandably popular with those looking to save time or money in the...