Abrazo Blog

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Desperate to Adopt

Desperate to Adopt

When someone is desperate to adopt, they have usually been a long, hard path of infertility treatment and disappointment after disappointment already. Their longing for a child is painfully obvious, like the scent of workout wear that's gone too long between washings....

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Dealing with an Unexpected Baby

Dealing with an Unexpected Baby

Anyone dealing with an unexpected baby is somebody in crisis, who deserves some kindness. It's easy for others to criticize females with surprise pregnancies. "How didn't she know she was pregnant?" people ask. Yet the reality is that there are plenty of babies born...

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Lost Birthmothers

Lost Birthmothers

Whatever fears folks have about open adoption, in truth-- lost birthmothers can become a much greater problem for adoptees and the parents that love them both. In an open adoption, the child being adopted has the benefit of growing up with firsthand information about...

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Using Drugs During Pregnancy

Using Drugs During Pregnancy

Everyone knows that using drugs during pregnancy is not a good thing. So why does it happen, and what can be done to help drug-addicted moms and their babies? For Absidi (name has been changed), drugs were a family tradition. Her dad was in prison for dealing, and her...

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Why Dads Still Matter

Why Dads Still Matter

However important moms are, it's essential to remember why dads still matter. These days, there are more children than ever growing up with single moms, and we don't mean to take anything away from them. But even the best of moms can't be dads... and at Abrazo, we are...

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When Kids Deserve Better

When Kids Deserve Better

What happens when kids deserve better, but the adults they're relying on can't-- or won't-- make it happen for them? How long should babies and toddlers have to wait on parents to provide them with the stable and safe homes and nurture they deserve? Kinship adoption...

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How to do a Secret Adoption

How to do a Secret Adoption

"I need to know how to do a secret adoption," she whispered. People have asked Abrazo how to do a secret adoption for nearly three decades now, and they have lots of different reasons for needing to put a baby up for adoption without anybody knowing. In this case, a...

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Ready To Talk? Call anytime, day or night: 800-454-5683

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3123 Northwest Loop 410
San Antonio, TX 78230