Abrazo Blog

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Homecoming for Birthmothers

Homecoming for Birthmothers

Why does one little adoption agency in America host a big homecoming for birthmothers? Glad you asked... here's why!  A homecoming, according to Merriam-Webster, is "the return of a group of people usually on a special occasion to a place formerly frequented or...

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Abortion Bans Reduce Adoptions

Abortion Bans Reduce Adoptions

Would it surprise you to think that abortion bans reduce adoptions? This wasn't anticipated by SCOTUS or even pro-life Texas lawmakers. (On the contrary.) Many had predicted that banning abortions would make more babies available to be adopted. Texas representative...

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Pregnant and Locked Up

Pregnant and Locked Up

An unwanted pregnancy is bad enough, but being pregnant and locked up can make things seem even worse. After all, pregnant inmates have it rough, no matter what they're in for. Some jails house them in separate units. At the Bexar County Jail. women who are...

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New To Adoption

New To Adoption

Are you new to adoption? We get it. Adoption is an option nobody usually plans to need, until they do, so nearly everyone starts out new to adoption. There's so much to learn about adoption before doing one, because it's a permanent arrangement if it's all done right....

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Pregnant in Texas

Pregnant in Texas

Those who find themselves unexpectedly pregnant in Texas are not alone these days, it seems. As planned by Texas lawmakers who supported Governor Abbott's abortion ban, thousands of female children, teens and adults have become involuntarily pregnant in Texas and...

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Ready To Talk? Call anytime, day or night: 800-454-5683

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3123 Northwest Loop 410
San Antonio, TX 78230