Abrazo Blog
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Adoption Near Me
The whole thing started with three words: "adoption near me." That was what she googled, the day she realized her baby deserved more. More than a life of hardship. More than a future with no father. More than an unemployed, stressed-out single mom who didn't know who...
Kids Need Good Dads
This Father's Day weekend, as we honor all the birthfathers, fathers and grandfathers we know and love, we are reminded of how much kids need good dads. We all know that there are children who thrive in the care of single mothers. In some circles, it may seem like...
Texas: Put Up or Shut Up
Now that Texas lawmakers have passed the so-called "Heartbeat Bill" and Governor Abbott has signed off on it, let's send this message, loud and clear: okay, Texas: put up or shut up. After all, we can all agree that a world in which abortions were never necessary...
The State of our Adoption Union
The best way to evaluate the success of any adoption, perhaps, is to periodically self-review. Ask yourself, from time to time: "what is the state of our adoption union?" Even our nation's leaders do an annual "state of the union" address. So it's just as important...
Birthmothers Support Adoptee Rights
The vast majority of birthmothers support adoptee rights, contrary to public misconceptions. After all, if anyone had reason to oppose adoptees being able to see their original birth records, one might think it would be birthmothers. And those who subscribe to the...
Placing Parents Need to Know
Here are some things placing parents need to know. (Unfortunately, though, not all adoption professionals will tell you this upfront.) Anyone who believes in adoption has a natural bias, so they're likely to present information in a way that may (or may not)...
That’s the Gig
Adoption isn't easy, and life isn't fair, and that's the gig. Those are the thoughts that come to mind recently. In recent weeks, our staff has witnessed an couple's adoption match falling apart, borne another birthmom's grief, heard others' frustrations about the...
Did She or Didn’t She?
"Did she or didn't she?" was the raging question in San Antonio, as the city pondered the latest claim from the mother of missing child James Chairez. (Update: the child's body was eventually found and his mother is in prison.) James was just a one-year-old last...
If Not For the Women
Abrazo would not exist if not for the women. Sorry, guys, but that's clearly the truth. We know you do play an important part in the placements we do here. But Abrazo was founded by a woman (with funding loaned by two male attorneys) and the majority of Abrazo staff...
Persevering in Adoption
If there's one thing adoption participants know a thing or two about, it's persevering in adoption. Because adoption just isn't simple-- whether you've been adopted, are adopting, have placed, are giving up a child for adoption, have adopted, or work in adoption....
Ready To Talk? Call anytime, day or night: 800-454-5683
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