Paying to get a home study for a Texas adoption? You deserve way more personal attention and a more in-depth report than a drive-by home study can produce.

(There, we said it. This may tick off some “professionals” out there, but hey… sorry not sorry.)

So What’s a Home Study?

In Texas, whether you live here or if you’re from out-of-state, if you plan to adopt here, you are going to need to get a home study done. If you’re new to all this, we can explain…

A home study in Texas is a process of at least five face-to-face interviews with a licensed Master’s-level social worker (aka home study worker or  investigator) who will cover at least two dozen topics specified by the State of Texas. The interviews must include individual, couple and joint meetings between all members of the household and the worker (who is hopefully a seasoned adoption professional– not just a Bachelor’s level worker who has to get somebody with a Master’s degree to sign off on their finished report.)

That worker must gather historical information from all participants, as well as make educated observations, verify factual data, conduct reference checks and complete a walk-through of the home and surrounding property. (In some jurisdictions, additional requirements may include a well-water check, verification of pet vaccinations, a fire or health department inspection or other fun things.) Homestudies done out of state for a Texas adoption must meet the requirements of both states, to clear Interstate Compact.

What Do We Get Out of This?

A Texas home study is likely to cost you anywhere from $750 to $3k, depending on which agency you use. Full payment is generally collected in advance. (Note: any additions or updates will incur additional charges.) Upon completion, the worker submits a full written report with supporting documentation, either approving (or denying) you for a future placement. (Oh, and it’s only valid for a year from the date of the last in-person visit.)

Think of an approved home study as your “ticket to ride” the adoption rollercoaster. It describes (hopefully accurately) who you are and the kind of home you offer a child in need of adoption. It cannot guarantee you a placement. (Yet without this, you cannot be “matched” (or considered for placement) through a Texas adoption agency.) And your home study will not, typically, be read by a judge, as another report (called a social study) will be needed in order to finalize an adoption in Texas.) You may or may not receive a copy, depending on the policies of your provider.

So for what you’re paying, you durned well ought to get a lot of good adoption information from your home study worker during those visits– and you deserve to see that worker more than just once, for your money. Otherwise, you’re just getting, basically, a drive-by home study.

What’s “Best Practice” When it Comes to a Home Study?

We’re old school here. We want our adopting parents to get everything they need out of a home study experience. A really good home study professional knows their stuff, and they see their role as not just “checking you out” but helping to get you ready, in every way they can. They don’t just make you write them an autobiography, they take time to truly get to know you, as an individual, as a couple and as a family unit. They don’t just collect your info, they offer you wisdom and provide you readings and help you anticipate what to expect in the adoption process.

The best home study worker will schedule their meetings with you on separate days, not all in one sitting, because they know you’re going to need time to process all you’re learning.  Unlike a drive-by home study, where you’re nothing more than a one-and-done for that home study worker, a quality home study professional is “in it” with you for the long haul, to offer guidance along the way, and to celebrate with you if/when you do successfully proceed to Placement Day. (And they’ll likely be who you want to do your required post-placement supervisory visits. as well… for an additional charge, of course, but it’s one you should be happy to pay, since baby is home then.)

How to Turn Down a Drive-By Home Study

Repeat after us: “we have the right to request/demand a quality home study.” (Now say it again, with feeling.) Really. what could be more important than getting you fully ready for this big change in your lives? If you’re talking with a home study worker who says they can get it all done in one visit, tell them it’s important to you to learn all you can from them in this process, and you cannot do that in one day. Or if you’re planning to work with Abrazo, give them a copy of our requirements and tell them to call us if they don’t understand why we require that home studies be completed in the course of no less than three separate days. 

We “get” why some folks are in such a hurry to adopt, they think doing all the home study stuff in one day is a plus. but trust us: it’s not. Would you want your surgeon to rush through your next procedure as quickly as possible, just to spend your money quicker? (Same logic applies here.)

Just Remember…

A quality home study professional isn’t there to be your next best friend, but they should be someone you trust to do their job ethically, who takes time to be thorough and who answers all your questions, on each visit.

The “right” home study professional for you will be someone who puts you at ease. Don’t settle for someone with a God complex who’s just there to “white-glove test” your lives and your home. You can’t cherry pick to find only someone who will say nice things about you, but you should be able to trust that they understand how important adopting the right way is to you.

Here’s the bottom line: anyone offering to do a drive-by home study that’s done quick or dirty doesn’t deserve to be on your adoption team. It really is that simple.



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