
Abrazo would not exist if not for the women. Sorry, guys, but that’s clearly the truth. We know you do play an important part in the placements we do here. But Abrazo was founded by a woman (with funding loaned by two male attorneys) and the majority of Abrazo staff (along with all of our birthmothers and adoptive moms) have been female. too.

So this being International Women’s Day, it seems only right that we take this opportunity to make today’s blog a loud, proud “attagurl!” to all the ladies of our community who change the world in ways both great and small, day in and day out.

They’re daughters. Sisters. Granddaughters. Moms. Nieces and aunties. Some have graduated from college or grad school, others from med school or law school, from high school or they’re alumnae of the school of hard knocks. Most work outside the home, some work in the home, and others do the kind of work nobody wants to imagine anybody ever having to do. Some attribute their achievements in life to faith, while others got where they are with the help of fame or fortune, and just plain old fortitude.

Every one of them has changed lives here and beyond here, in some way or another. (Every. Single. One.)

If Not for the Women, This Wouldn’t Have Happened

We don’t believe women are defined solely by their reproductive organs, of course, So it’s not necessary to identify whether they’ve placed or adopted– or not. And much as we wish we had space here to recognize the contributions of twenty-seven year’s worth of females we’ve been blessed to know, we can’t do that, either, so we’ll leave our heroines unnamed. 

What follows is a short list of women we celebrate as we think of the ladies of the Abrazo community and how they’ve helped reshape the world since 1994. (This list inevitably includes the many talented females who have worked at Abrazo over nearly three decades, and those who serve on our Board, as well… thank you, all!)

We’re thinking of those women who are teachers, healthcare workers, stay-home parents, entrepreneurs, housekeepers, cosmeticians, soldiers, servers and clerks who endured great personal loss, as well as doctors, nurses, journalists, bankers, artists, social workers or businesspeople who have overcome their own life losses– all out of love for children. We’re honoring also all the Abrazo daughters who have now graduated from high school or college, some of whom have recently become mothers themselves, and who are transforming the world around them in all the nicest of ways.

We’re reminded of a mother who sacrifices her time with her kids to volunteer at our agency to assist those who need parenting options other than abortion. Or someone we know who rose above her limitations to attend truck-driving school, just in time to help keep the supply chain flowing in the season of Covid. And somebody else who delivers toys to sick children in hospitals and advocates for organ donations and vaccines to save strangers’ lives. We’re reminded of a woman who battles addiction herself, yet often helps others in need find their way to Abrazo to get free counseling and pregnancy help. And of a mother who launched a podcast last year, just for others in or considering open adoptions. We know countless women in our private social media groups who have warmly welcomed those new to adoption, then mentored them with love. And how could we forget all our birthgrandmothers and grandmas-by-adoption, now nurturing a whole new generation… if not for these women, would all this be possible?

They Did This, Too…

This year and last, women in Abrazo’s community have lovingly made masks to protect others from Covid-19. They’ve scrimped and saved to keep their own families safe, and taken on untold challenges to keep their homes afloat through pandemics and storms nobody expected. Through it all, they’ve fed the hungry, and taken in those with nowhere to go. Some Abrazogals we know have overcome cancer. Others have found the courage to leave abusive relationships to build beautiful new lives. (Often with the backing of other Abrazo women who encouraged them along the way.) Our sisters have lent support to others facing serious illnesses, and they’ve rallied to aid those in our community and their own, just because they care.

Those long-familiar with Abrazo’s community already know which famous novelist generously established a scholarship fund to help our birthmothers go to college or trade school. But do you know how many females who have donated their birthdays to raise funds on Facebook to grow our Angel Account? Did you know how many marched or protested on behalf of civil rights or for children’s needs or on behalf of social welfare causes? Are you aware that Abrazo women have served in the military, the White House and the US Capitol, and also advocate for adoptee rights at the Texas state legislature? They care, too.

Did you know that a death row appeals lawyer in our community toiled tirelessly to save a troubled mother’s life this year, only to get shot down by the US Supreme Court in the final inning? What a comfort to her children, to know at least somebody cared. And in the long run, that is perhaps the greatest gift of all. Not every woman in the Abrazo Nation can argue a case in the Supreme Court or get profiled in People magazine. But we all have the capacity to care about others. 

Because every female who is part of our community has more strength, resilience, creativity and potential, even more than she knows. (This we do know!) And what each of you do to care for those around you (in your family and outside of it) is surely your superpower. (Never forget it.)

So this International Women’s Day, we celebrate you and all the transformation you enable around you that would not be possible–if not for the women like you.

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Abrazo Admin
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