Why Choose Abrazo?

Ready To Talk? Call Anytime, Day or Night: 800-454-5683

What Can Abrazo Do For Me?

Abrazo works with you wherever you are, whenever you’re ready, and our staff is available 24/7, so you can call Abrazo anytime of the day or night, at 1-210-342-5683, or fill out our confidential contact form, here. We don’t uproot expectant parents or require anyone to move to another state in order to use our services, and we’ll come to you, if you wish. At Abrazo, this really is all about being there for you (and your child.)

Why Choose Abrazo for Adoption in Texas?

Abrazo is state-licensed, nonprofit and nationally-recognized, handling safe, legal, ethical adoptions since 1994. Plenty of unlicensed adoption brokers and unethical attorneys have flashy websites and advertise in our state, offering “free trips” and “all expenses paid.” But they probably won’t tell you that without a Texas license, they can’t legally send money nor pay living expenses for expectant parents in Texas. Don’t get in trouble; if it looks too good to be true, it probably is!

Making an Adoption Plan

Abrazo can help you make a safe, confidential adoption plan any time before or after birth. Some moms put off adoption planning until their due date, or when they’re in the hospital or afterwards, and that’s okay. Others call when they’re afraid CPS is about to take their children, to be sure they can choose their child’s new home and keep in touch (which doesn’t happen if Child Protective Services takes your kids away.) Whatever your situation, Abrazo makes sure you have the time you need to make the best choices you can for your little one.

Free Caseworker Services

Every placing parent at Abrazo gets the free services of her very own private caseworker, who is uniquely qualified to help you through this experience. At Abrazo, when our staff says “I know what you’re going through,” you know we really do! And we’ll be there for you every step of the way.

We Heavily Screen Our Waiting Families

Abrazo will help you find an awesome family for your child. It’s so important for your child’s safety to have Abrazo’s help in screening qualified adoptive families (not just trusting some strangers on the Internet who want to adopt, or handing your precious child over to a “friend of a friend who knows someone” who wants a baby.) Our adoptive families are carefully homestudied by licensed social workers, and even fingerprinted and cleared by the FBI, so you know every precaution has been taken to ensure your child’s safety even before you choose them!

Empowering Parents Putting A Child Up For Adoption

Abrazo empowers placing parents to know their rights and own their choices. There are all sorts of options to think about! Abrazo’s staff is really good at helping you make the kind of adoption plan that anticipates your needs and your child’s, and protects both your interests.

We Understand Adoption Plans Change

Abrazo understands that even the best of plans can change, sometimes. Plans are always subject to change, if the needs of the people involved change over time. At Abrazo, we get that. Expectant mothers who receive services and/or support from Texas agencies are under no obligation to place nor to pay anything back if they ultimately opt to parent their child, provided they have not yet relinquished parental rights (which means signing the legal documents that can’t be completed until at least 48 hours after birth) nor committed adoption fraud.

We’re Here For You Before And After Adoption

At Abrazo, we don’t believe adoptions end with placement, because that’s just the beginning! Making adoption plans before birth is something a responsible parent does. It means you get the support and services you need, to choose a loving home for your baby (or child), and get to know the prospective adoptive parents personally. And that’s why Abrazo continues to provide needed emotional support for its placing parents long after the placement is done. Being an Abrazo client means you always have friends available afterwards, if you need to talk or need Abrazo’s help again for some reason. (We’re family, after all.)

Free Placing Services

All of Abrazo’s birthparent services are free for placing parents. So planning ahead costs you nothing, but gains you peace of mind and clarity. Want to get started? Just call Abrazo at 1-210-342-5683 or in Texas, 1-800-454-5683.

You might just be surprised how good it feels to have a plan in place… because at Abrazo, we really do offer help you can trust.

Support Through Your Journey

As allowed by law, Abrazo can help, during pregnancy & afterward (if needed) with:

  • Housing/rent assistance
  • Obtaining Medicaid or medical coverage
  • Finding you a doctor
  • Groceries and nutrition
  • Maternity clothes
  • Open adoption options: keep in touch if you wish
  • Private counseling before & after the adoption
  • Transportation to/from maternity-related appointments
  • Relocation if you need to live closer to Abrazo’s weekly support services
  • Utilities (electricity & telephone)

Contact Us

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    Ready To Talk? Call Anytime, Day or Night: 800-454-5683

    Want To Know More?

    3123 NW Loop 410, San Antonio, TX 78230 | 800-454-5683 | Email Us

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    24-Hour Birthparent HelpLine
    for New Placing Parents/Medical Emergencies

    Placing parents calling from Texas or surrounding states:

    Placing parents calling from outside Texas, please call collect:
    210-342-LOVE (5683)

    Placing parents text:


    Mailing address:

    3123 Northwest Loop 410
    San Antonio, TX 78230