A private, state-licensed nonprofit child-placement agency, Abrazo adheres to Texas state laws and TDFPS standards regarding the HIPAA rights & privacy of all of its clients who have signed service agreements or contracts on file with the agency. Abrazo does specialize in open adoption for the best interests of adoptees, but the rights of our birthparents, adoptees and adoptive parents to their privacy and confidentiality are still very important to us.
Abrazo cannot and will not confirm or deny the identity of any of its approved clients, nor provide information about any child, adoptee or case served by the agency, without a legal release or court order. (For information about seeking to reconnect with an Abrazo birthparent, adoptee or adoptive parents, please refer to this page.)
There are no actual nor implied privacy rights conferred upon the general public, whether you or they call or email or text the agency and/or its staff. Any associated data costs, taxes and risks, whether real or implied, are the responsibility of the caller, emailer or texter. Please note that Abrazo is state-mandated to report to the State any disclosure of child abuse, as well as homicidal or suicidal threats.
Any inquiries regarding the agency’s privacy policy may be directed to Abrazo in writing or via https://abrazo.org/about-abrazo/#form.