What is it about Texas adoption that seems so popular? Why are so many out-of-state couples trying to adopt babies in Texas? Are there that many more females planning adoptions here? What advantages to placing  parents or adoptive parents in Texas keeping their adoption plans in-state?

What makes Texas such a popular target for adoption advertisers and adoption facilitators from all across the country, especially when Texas law makes it clear that both are prohibited?

Is adoption really bigger in Texas, or is that just a tall tale?

The Benefits of Placing in Texas

Any expectant mother or placing parent in Texas who works with Abrazo gains the advantage of a caring agency with staff close by, who can be reached any hour of the day or night, before and during and after placement. Those who choose ethical adoption agencies in Texas like Abrazo can get all the necessary financial assistance allowed by law for their pre-birth and post-birth living expenses. In addition, Abrazo provides the best of medical care and ongoing counseling services; honors your right to private, pre-adoption legal consultation upon request; and offers continued post-adoption support services as long as needed. (Abrazo offers placing parents the option of choosing adoptive families living in Texas or out-of-state, and even hosts an annual dude ranch adoption reunion each summer that enables birthfamilies, adoptive families and adoptees to enjoy in-person visits, if desired.)

Yet the average pregnant female googling “adoption near me” or “put baby up for adoption” or “adopt out my baby” has to slog through several pages of Google ads for agencies, attorneys, facilitators and advertisers. They typically don’t realize the majority of listings are not even located in Texas, and are not licensed to provide adoption services here. Baby brokers aim to make money off unsuspecting Texans whose “cases” will get pitched to the highest bidder–  an out-of-state (or out-of-country) adopter or slick attorney who will entice her with offers of “free travel to deliver out of state” or who promise post-birth payments or gifts that are in clear violation of Texas adoption law.

The laws in Texas say that only a licensed adoption agency can match a prospective birthparent and a hopeful adoptive couple. What this means is that only licensed adoption professionals who have proper social work and/or counseling and/or child development training can screen adoption candidates, introduce them and provide both professional adoption services in Texas. That’s important, considering what a big danger child trafficking is and how easily Do-It-Yourselfers and baby brokers can endanger children and unsuspecting parents. Licensed private Texas adoption agencies like Abrazo are carefully regulated by the State, adding a layer of protection for birthparents, adoptees and adoptive parents.

Texas Adoption: What You Should Know

Obviously, Texas is the biggest state in America, yet ranks 45th in national child welfare, according to the Casey Foundation, so out-of-staters might be forgiven in thinking we’ve got kids to spare. Teen pregnancy rates here are still among the worst in the US, but the majority of parents that place are not teens. (That could explain why 18% of Texas households are headed by a parent who never completed high school?) Our state also ranks at the very bottom of the country for prenatal care and maternal health, so this isn’t the best place to seek to adopt if “healthy baby” is at the top of the adopters’ wish list.

Texas is known for having “adoption-friendly laws”– what this really means is that laws here make Texas optimal for those who are seeking to adopt. Why? Texas’ legislative bans against abortion result in more females facing fewer unplanned pregnancy alternatives (although this has yet to result in higher numbers of infant adoptions, curiously enough.) Laws allow licensed Texas agencies to financially help placing parents with necessary living expenses during pregnancy. Alleged fathers must register with the Texas Voluntary Paternity Registry to ensure notification of adoption plans in advance. (Otherwise, any legal rights they could have can be terminated by default–without their involvement.) Texas further stacks the deck for adopting parents by deeming agency birthparent relinquishment affidavits irrevocable when signed just 48 hours after birth (with no reclaim period, unlike many other states). And judges here can grant adopting couples completed court decrees of adoption just six months after placement, which makes adopting in the Lone Star State seem very appealing for those from states with more restrictive laws.

Yet in actuality, the biggest benefit of doing a Texas adoption depends on working with ethical, licensed nonprofit Texas adoption agencies that are truly committed to the health and well-being of the adoptees they place. (There are plenty of places willing to handle newborn placements, yet far fewer that provide quality post-adoption services and open adoption support throughout the years to follow.)

How to Get Started

All of our preliminary information is available on the agency website, of course. Being Texans, though, Abrazo’s staff is friendly, down-home and easy to talk to… adopting parents can call 210-342-5683 with questions during business hours, or placing parents can reach our counselors round-the-clock by texting HELPME to 210-860-5683 or calling 1-800-454-5683. Having been licensed in Texas since 1994, we know a thing or two about handling adoptions down here, and we’re happy to help, so let’s get acquainted and get you on your way right quick, if a loving Lone Star adoption plan is in your immediate future.



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for New Placing Parents/Medical Emergencies

Placing parents calling from Texas or surrounding states:

Placing parents calling from outside Texas, please call collect:
210-342-LOVE (5683)

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Mailing address:

3123 Northwest Loop 410
San Antonio, TX 78230