I am adopted, and I believe in adoption.

My name is Catherine Guzman, and I’ve had three last names in my lifetime. I had my birthmother’s last name when I was born. I had my parents’ last name when I was adopted as a baby through Abrazo. And I’ve had my husband’s last name since we were married.

Although I’ve never been ashamed of being adopted, I do often ponder the question of why my birthmother gave me up?

Now, becoming a mother myself, I realize that she did the best thing for me.

She chose adoption instead of abortion.

And she chose my loving parents, who have given me the best life possible.

She Gave Me Life

My birthmother had the option of choosing to end my life to save hers OR saving my life at her own expense? I’m grateful she chose to give me the best chance in life. She made it possible for me to grow into the woman I have become today.

Without my birthmother’s decision to give me up for adoption, I wouldn’t have had my wonderful loving parents. Because of her choice, I got to have all the life experiences my parents provided me.
Without all of this, I wouldn’t have met the love of my life in high school and married him.

I certainly wouldn’t be the woman I am today: headstrong, smart, kind, ambitious. My adoptive parents taught me all these characteristics, plus many more.

They Gave Me Family

My mother taught me how to be a great person with a huge heart. My dad taught me to be headstrong and ambitious. For all that I am truly grateful. I love them both, more than they will ever know. I’m proud to have the best grandfather I could ask for. I miss all my grandparents in heaven everyday.

Never do I forget: I have the best life. And it’s all because my birthmom chose adoption, not abortion.

Most importantly, I now have the privilege of becoming a mother myself. My husband and I are expecting a sweet baby girl, due in a few months. I pray to God every night that my daughter will always know how much I love her, and value her life. I would give up anything for my daughter to have the life that I have had, and so much more more.

Growing My Own Family

This daughter will be the best thing that will ever happen to me. If I hadn’t been adopted by the family my birthmom chose for me, I would’ve never met met my loving husband, and we wouldn’t be expecting our little girl, Ava Catherine, now.

For my birthmother, please know that I think about you, throughout every season and special occasion of my life. I now understand the decision you made for me. It was made out of pure love, and a desire to offer me more than you could give me. As I wait (anxiously) for the arrival of our beautiful baby girl, I now know the true meaning of a mother’s love. Now I truly understand the sacrifices we mothers make for our babies.

God works in mysterious ways, although sometimes we never truly understand why some things happen. As we grow, so does our understanding of these things.

I believe in adoption vs. abortion, because I am a living example of what giving a child a second chance can do.

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