If you’re searching for info on how to give up a baby, you need help you can trust.

That’s why thousands of moms have trusted Abrazo’s adoption help for over 25 years.

First of all, Abrazo wants you to understand that making a loving adoption plan here is about way more than just “giving a baby up for adoption.” We don’t even use that phrase around here.

That’s because parents who place through Abrazo do far more than just give up a baby. (They don’t just walk away and forget afterwards, either.) They care about that child for life, and this makes Abrazo’s adoptions better for everyone.

You need to know that you are not alone. Lots of females find themselves pregnant or needing not to parent each year. They all have different reasons but many similar questions.

It’s hard to know where to turn. But there’s plenty of help out there. (And adoption is not your only alternative, either.)

You’re going to want to be sure you know all your options. Because this is the decision of a lifetime– yours and your child’s.

I Don’t Want to Choose Adoption…

For those who wish to avoid adoption, there are always other options (unless Child Protective Services gets custody, of course.) Do you know where to find help, if needed?

In San Antonio, if you need free pregnancy testing, go to Pregnancy Care Center or across Texas, Planned Parenthood. If you need help paying for prenatal care, sign up for Medicaid here.

Want to parent but need financial support? Register for child support. Programs like Heartbeat International or Saving Our Sisters also help provide assistance. You can apply for food stamps here.

Perhaps you want your child’s father to raise him/her? Start by getting him to establish paternity and then have an attorney draw up a parenting agreement. (Click here to find parenting classes in your area.)

For those thinking about foster care as an alternative until you feel more ready to raise you child yourself, you can contact Arms of Hope or Buckner Foster Care.

Or to have a relative to care for your child, consider making a kinship arrangement.

I Do Need to Choose Adoption…

Maybe you already know in your heart that adoption will be the better plan. If so, you can call Abrazo day or night: 1-800-454-5683.

We won’t just tell you how to give up a baby for adoption. Abrazo will prepare you for the birth, whether you decide to lovingly place your child for adoption or not.

Abrazo can help you choose the adoptive family for your child. We help help you build a relationship with them. And we’ll help you learn to live with your adoption choice, if it is what you decide is best.

All of Abrazo’s services are free to prospective birthparents. Abrazo can help get you prenatal care, counseling, housing and more. We can help you learn the difference between open adoption and closed adoption. We’ll help you understand how adoption may impact you and your child, now and in the future.

You can’t make any legal decision for adoption until a baby is at least 48 hours old. And all open adoption plans in Texas are voluntary, since state laws do not enforce open adoption agreements.

Still, our open adoption options can help your family feel included, if you want them to be. And our counseling services will continue to be available to you as long as you need them.

We can’t make your decisions for you. And we won’t promise you that adoption is always the ‘right’ choice for everyone. It’s never (ever) easy. (Nor should it be.)

But if you do decide to place here (and not just find out how to give up a baby for adoption,) know that Abrazo will be here for you every step of the way, and for many years to come.

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24-Hour Birthparent HelpLine
for New Placing Parents/Medical Emergencies

Placing parents calling from Texas or surrounding states:

Placing parents calling from outside Texas, please call collect:
210-342-LOVE (5683)

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3123 Northwest Loop 410
San Antonio, TX 78230