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Status Updates posted by ElizabethAnn

  1. Hey, Natalie! Just 383 more posts and you'll be ready to step into the posh interior of the Inner Sanctum! YOU CAN DO IT!!! ;)


  3. Yayyy!! It's our New Girl, the fledgling AbrazoChick! Welcome to the Forum... now you'll REALLY be "in the know" and ready to go! Joining the Forum family is like getting to move up from the card table in the kitchen to the holiday meal served in the dining room-- you're not just "hired help", you're FAMILY now! So glad you're one of us. Make yourself at home! (and stay awhile!) :)

  4. Happy Birthday, Sherrie! It's been awhile since you were on the Forum last, but I wanted you to know we miss you and we're hoping your birthday is extra special this year!

  5. Angie, welcome! So glad you "took the plunge" and joined us on the Forum, because you ARE part of Abrazo's family, you know, and we're the one part that's NEVER going to disappear! so while we wait with you for your child's adoptive family to re-estabish contact, here's hoping you'll find plenty of support and encouragement here. Bless you!

  6. Hi, Mary! So glad you joined Abrazo's Forum family; make yourself at home, and please know you are truly welcome here. Feel free to jump in any topic, anywhere; we learn best from each other, and we're a family here, so pull up a seat at our table and consider this home! :)

  7. Krystle, just wanted to send you birthday greetings from your Abrazo family! I know that not hearing from your girls' parents has been very hard on you, but I am sure the girls are doing well and I hope that their adoptive parents will find it in their heart to reconnect with you so you have firsthand assurance of your daughters' welfare. Big hugs, mija!

  8. Welcome, Amy & Craig! There's a wealth of information to be found here on the Forum, and great friends to be made, so jump in, and make yourselves at home! :)

  9. Happy Birthday!

  10. Hey, Reed! Welcome!! When you called today to ask how to register on the Forum, I had to stop for a minute and figure out how on earth a cute 'lil baby I remember could possibly be BIG ENOUGH to use a computer all by himself!?! But then I remembered, you're not a baby anymore! Yay for you! Feel free to post anywhere; you'll find lots of friends around here. Have fun!

  11. Welcome! It was WONDERFUL meeting you at Camp, and we LOVE having you as part of Abrazo's family! Feel free to jump in any conversation anywhere, because this is your home, too, now!

  12. Love the baby photos you posted! Yayyy! Your little guy is on the grow!

  13. Happy Birthday, Amy! May you be richly blessed in the year that lies ahead, and may wherever your future leads you be a destination ripe with growth and full of love!

  14. Happy Birthday, birthday twin! :)

  15. Celebrating you, Joanna, and the beautiful first mom who made your life possible! Happy Birthday!

  16. Hi, Christian!

    I love you,


  17. So glad to see you back on the Forum, my friend! And I love your new photo! (Be sure to make it your avatar, too, so it shows up with your posts, because girlfriend, if I look that good at 50, you KNOW I'd want people to see it! LOL) I just saw your Kara post, sorry I missed it earlier... how was your trip? We have a couple birthmoms who escaped ASA and came here recently--nothing's changed there!

  18. Just wanted to remind you that we all think you're doing a GREAT job, Laura, even without Jim there to help 24/7... parenthood is never easy, and all the adoption requirements make it that much more complicated, so stop and smell the roses when you can! :)

  19. SOOOO glad you're part of our Family... at Camp, on the Forum, and in every way! Big hugs, mija! Welcome, welcome!

  20. SOOOO excited to have you on the Forum, Belinda! Hearing from you today, after all this time, was such a beautiful reminder of why open adoption really does matter, even when folks need time to come to terms with it. We welcome you "home" with open arms and can't wait for you to reconnect with your son and his parents!

  21. Welcome, Lance! I love that you are here (and wow-- you look so grown up these days! LOL) I hope you feel at home here on the Forum, and I hope you know how appreciated your input truly is around here!

  22. Just wanted to welcome you to the Forum, Denise! I think of you as family, so I'm glad you're part of Abrazo's greater family on the Forum, too. You have much wisdom to share and you so belong here! Big hugs...

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