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Abrazo's Elite
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Susan last won the day on April 14 2016

Susan had the most liked content!

About Susan

  • Birthday 10/30/1967

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Blacksburg, Virginia


  • Member Interest Area: choose one
    Adopting Parent

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  • Currently reading
    Amsterdam by Ian McEwan

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Forum Elite

Forum Elite (7/7)



  1. God is good, all the time. And prayers are answered. After seven months of treatment, surgery and more treatment, I had my CT scan yesterday. I am so pleased to report that the scan showed no evidence of cancer. It's gone. It feels surreal to have had so much and now to not have any. I feel so grateful.
  2. Fran, I am so pleased to hear that your husband is doing so well. Your strength gives me strength! Susan
  3. Thank you Elizabeth. I am just now checking in on the Forum, the place that buoyed us through our amazing journeys to both of our daughters and our wonderful Texas family members gained through adoption. I am slowly reaching out farther with the news of my cancer diagnosis. And today I find that prayers have been lifted for me here. Thank you dear Elizabeth. I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in December, right around the holidays. The winter break meant we had lots of family time to be together with loved ones, to rest and to take stock of what is important in life. A diagnosis like this definitely crystalizes the mind about what is important. Prayers have made such a difference on our journey. We are still early on in our process but from Day 1 it has been one of hope, believing, faith and love. I have an amazing medical team (our girls love that my oncologist is a Latino from Texas, just like them!). We have been blessed with so much love and support. I am in the midst of chemo treatments through March 4, followed by surgery, followed by 12 more weeks of chemo. It is a marathon, not a sprint, and I am very optimistic about the outcome. I hope you will join me in that optimism and raise prayers of healing in the days and weeks to come. Much love to our amazing Abrazo community! Susan (mom to Tasia -- age 10 -- and Elektra -- age 6)
  4. This story warms my heart. Jesus and Corrine and their boys have been such a special part of the Abrazo community. Many of us in the DC area have had the extra benefit of their presence, as they have hosted us in their home. Now we celebrate with them on the arrival of this sweet baby girl. And we are so happy that the baby girl's sweet birthmother is now pet of this community too. It was neat to see them all together at Camp. And to see their son Benjamin's birthmother alongside. I am so touched by the gift of open adoption. It warms my heart. Enjoy these early precious moments together. Susan
  5. Happy news Katie and Matt! Enjoy every precious moment
  6. Welcome Baby Hudson! The Abrazo Elites celebrated your news on our retreat this weekend!
  7. Congratulations Ben and Lena! Blessing to the sweet birthmother who placed her precious baby in your care.
  8. Congratulations Beth and Dave! Your story is so touching. Blessing to Naveah's sweet birthmom
  9. Welcome to the world Dylan! Blessings to all who love him
  10. Tears of joy. Truly worth the wait. God knows our timing even if we do not. So happy for all of you Susan
  11. Wow, big news fro Brent, Lynn and Caleb! Welcome to the world Avery!!
  12. We are so happy to see this announcement
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