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Status Updates posted by ElizabethAnn

  1. Bienvenidos, amiga! I'm honored that you've joined the Forum and I hope you visit often and post more, because I know you have amazing wisdom and valuable perspective to share! and I'm confident that our Forum family is going to welcome you with open arms and abrazos grande!!!

  2. Love your new avatar! What a darling 'lil guy has joined your home. Hope you're enjoying every moment... they grow up wayyy too quick!

  3. Welcome, Audra!! You might've thought the college graduation was a big life landmark, but it surely pales in comparison to joining the FORUM!! (lol) Hope you spend ample time here, learn much, post often, and never actually go teach school, because nothing compares to the glory of being a real-live AbrazoChick! :)

  4. Welcome, Grandma! So glad you've joined the Forum, because you've been part of Abrazo's greater family for a long time, so you surely belong here, as well! Enjoy!

  5. Happy Birthday to you,

    Happy Birthday to you!

    Happy Birthday, New Parent! Happy Birthday, to you!

  6. Welcome, Amy! So glad you've found your way to Abrazo... visit often! Post much! You're among friends, here.

  7. Welcome, Lilly! Please, jump in and share your thoughts and opinions, because we'd sure like to hear from more adults once adopted, around here. Your perspective is important to us! Make yourself at home.

  8. Congratulations on hitting "Elite" status!! Thanks for all the shared wisdom and wit that you've bestowed upon us all along the way!

  9. Welcome, Leslie!!! I know you have prior posts on our Forum from many years ago, before the duties of a busy mom of 3 cut down on your computer time, but we're glad you're back and hope you'll visit often! because you HAVE been missed around here!

  10. Welcome, Grandpa Bruce!!! You're already part of the Abrazo Family, and we are all (of course) thrilled that you've had a wonderful reunion recently... but we're doubly glad that you're now a Forum member, as well! Visit often! Post much! We can't wait to hear from you.

  11. Hey, Girl! How wonderful to see you on the Forum! Come often and post much! You're FAMILY, you know!

  12. Whoa!!!! You POSTED!!! Yay for you, girl! (Now, keep going! Because I know you are full of wisdom and opinions and stories and I can't wait for folks around here to get to know you and love you as I do!) So glad you're still around...

  13. Angie-- what an absolutely precious photo you've posted on your profile!! It's beautiful! So glad you've stayed active on the Forum, with all the other things that keep you busy in life.

  14. Welcome! The world is full of angels unaware... may you know when the "right" one crosses your path. God bless!

  15. Welcome Back, Friends! You've been missed around here... glad you found your way "home." Blessings, Elizabeth

  16. Hey, darlin! How wonderful to find you on the Forum; so glad you've joined our online family. Visit lots! Post much! We love hearing what our birthfamilies have to say; you're among friends here, girl!

  17. YAY!! We LOVE having daddies on the Forum! Jump in and speak your mind (now that you've recovered from that tequila-soaked weekend in Texas.) Adam needs some male companionship around here! Welcome.

  18. Welcome, welcome!! So glad to have such a sparkling gem amongst our Forum family!! Jump in, anywhere-- your wisdom and expertise are much valued by us all! Blessings, friend.

  19. Aloha, Jennifer! So glad you've "arrived" here; visit often and post much! We've got a close and supportive community to share with you here. Enjoy!

  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the woman who keeps our agency attorney in line! and whose friendship means so much to me, personally. Thank you, Monika, for always being there for us, in good times and in crisis, too! We love you!

  21. Hey--- how wonderful to see old friends online! Update your profile and the webmaster will "reward" you with full access (since the rules since 1.1.07 require real info, for the protection of our online community.) Come on in, the water's fine!!! LOL

  22. Welcome to our newest friends from the fine state of Colorado!! Make yourselves at home; visit often and post much.

  23. Portia!!!! So glad you're back online!!! Sending you loads of love from all of us, to Chicago! Come back! We miss you!

  24. Congratulations on having the best possible little reason to update that avatar-- just 3 weeks after orientation, no less! Blessings to you and your new baby boy-- and the birthmom whose unfaltering commitment to his future made it all possible.

  25. Sending out loving thoughts and big 'ole hugs to Meg, today and always! Not because of what she's done but because of who she is; one bright, beautiful, loving woman who's got a great future ahead of her, just waiting to be unfolded in God's perfect time!!

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