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Dale and Amanda

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Everything posted by Dale and Amanda

  1. One of the things I try to always say when asked how a mother could "give up her child" is to say something along the lines of the fact that birthmothers are the strongest and most selfless people I know. I know that I am too selfish to make that brave of a decision. I guess that people don't think about the faith that it must take for a parent to trust their child to someone they hardly know (if at all). I am so amazed by first parents!
  2. Mark and Laurie, what a blessing! So happy for your family. Prayers of comfort for this first mother.
  3. Congratulations to the newest family! We have been and will continue to be praying for you all!
  4. Oh happy day! So happy for the even bigger forever family! Enjoy your time in SA, and we hope to see you guys in August!!!
  5. Congratulations to the newest family of FOUR!!! Prayers of comfort for Billie and her family, but praises that they will all love this baby boy for their entire lives!
  6. Pam, one of the best things you can do to see what life with Abrazo is really like is to read through the forum. There are many topics under the adoptive parents section that will knock your socks off. The road to placement isn't easy, but the end results are beautiful! There are books that you can read to understand the impact of adoption on children. You guys take some time to do some soul searching as the questions regarding what races/health issues you could work with can really impact you and your world views. (We were originally not open to any AA child and now we have two beautiful AA girls!) Abrazo "specializes" in open adoptions and greatly supports the families in that. This forum can help you see how amazing and challenging it can be to live it out to do the best for your child. Lastly, take this time to deal with infertility and take an emotional rest. If you are accepted into Abrazo's program have gone quickly for some, and have been a difficult journey with wonderful endings for others.
  7. Yay Nathan! I love trout fishing in Arkansas, but with the two little ones it has been put on hold for a while. I got to do it for a little bit last August when my sister and her family were in town. Before the girls, I went to my moms several times a year to go fishing with her.
  8. I was looking at the OU site today, and noticed that ABC has already picked up the game for 11 a.m.!!!
  9. I haven't seen anything yet about the next one. The last was just a few weeks ago, so it will be July or August probably. Things have been busy around there, so hopefully you will hear something soon!
  10. Praying for your family today, John.
  11. Dale and I are starting to really struggle with comments that people in the girls' lives are making about birthparents. It hasn't been directly about either of theirs, but I am sure that now that Arianna is really beginning to grasp things, once she really gets that she and Nichole have moms other than me, she may project those thoughts onto her situation and take them to heart. Has anyone come up with a statement or a way to handle these types of situations? Our girls have to deal with enough without adding unnecessary comments from those that love them. We were thinking of maybe sending a letter to our families letting them know what our decisions are regarding open adoption and what we want for the girls through it. We thought that maybe letting people know in advance that disparaging remarks even about a birthparent from a news story or someone else they know will be dealt with because they don't know the situation and are basing their remarks on assumptions. Does this even make sense? I feel like I know what I am trying to say but I may not be communicating it effectively.
  12. This would inspire me!!! My husband and I made "a game" of our homestudy - we treated it like a scavenger hunt. In fact, I had to buy him an expensive dinner because he was done with his list before I was!! Michelle, that is great!
  13. Danette, a completed home study is not required, but once everything is done, you can start taking birthparent calls. There is so much to do to prepare for placement, but it is SO worth it...even if you only have a couple of days to get it ALL done! Enjoy the process, because your life surely changes forever...in an amazing way.
  14. Nana Carleen, how great to hear such enthusiasm about meeting the newest member of your family! Safe travels for everyone and enjoy those first moments!!!!!!
  15. Oh my goodness! Congratulations and welcome to the newest Abrazobabe! Prayers for all involved in this new forever family!
  16. Oh my goodness! What an amazing thing to wake up to! Congratulations to the two forever families. Prayers for the birthparents for peace and comfort.
  17. We did get a call from Nichole's birthmom today letting us know that she is ok. It did open up some dialogue for us, and in that way I do think that her trust in us is building. What an amazing thing for us to be a part of! Another praise is that the closer we get to being able to finalize, she continues to say that she looks forward to meeting us and seeing Nichole!!!
  18. I think that whatever method you use, the right birthparent will contact you at the right time. Maybe that will help you not be so anxious about the when and where with them?
  19. God's plans are so much better than anything we could come up with! Congratulations to the newest forever family and many prayers for peace for a first mom.
  20. Congratulations Mark! There is much to think about, but enjoy the process of "expecting!"
  21. Laurel and Casey, congratulations! All the paperwork and preparation...and now you are finally there!
  22. Unbelievable! Thank you guys for watching over these children. Isn't the money issue something that could potentially disrupt or overturn an adoption?
  23. I certainly don't agree with the caller's philosophy or their apparent behavior, I am so very grateful for the education that I have received from Abrazo that has done wonders to open my mind in open and transracial adoption. Maybe this call was the beginning of educating this couple. I understand their desire to be parents...no matter how long it takes. Thank you ladies of Abrazo for standing your ground and giving those less brilliant people (myself included) something to think about.
  24. Congratulations!! Wow, after a bit of a dry spell, the Stork is announcing new families like crazy!! I hope this is just the beginning!!!
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