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Everything posted by HeidiK

  1. Don't you think she should be cancer free for more than a few months before at age 40 something she adopts a baby? I love her music.....and am all for a clean environment....but I wonder why some "body" would okay a home study for her.....waiting for Elizabeth to chime in - she "always" knows the answers to my questions???? Oh -----Elizabeth-----I'm waiting!
  2. Hurray!!!!!! Welcome little Miss! Doing the dance of JOY in sunny California for all involved.
  3. Post more - espically on your birthday! Happy Birthday to you

  4. I love your new avitar...your children are simply beautiful..

    ps - sometimes I miss the snow for about a second...

  5. You are so loved!

  6. Welcome to the forum family. The birth parent input is what really makes this place so very special. The adoptive parents here really apperciate all of your valuable insite---so post often

  7. Welcome to the newest H3 little girl - and may the bond that joins these two amazing families remain forever intact
  8. Welcome Meg - Communication Major - you go girl! Can't wait to hear ( or read) what you have to say!

  9. Many prayers for those travelling and those making hard choices tonight! May all of you find peace and love at the end of the journey
  10. wow wow wow....a busy weekend at Abrazo- .......I wonder if............. I sure do miss those hints
  11. Hey now.....I am older ( by a couple years) than Parker's birth grandmother....I guess I resemble that remark What I always wonder is does and how the "celebrity" status might influence a 16 yr old choice to place - and is that a type of coersion???? Could a 16 yr think that by placing a child with "them" she might gain status or receive something in return...I wonder how a social worker would handle that - espically an open/identified placement? Would the celebs wonder about "bad press" or blackmail? Gosh......kinda makes me see why the Jole-Pitts haven't ventured into Domestic adoption...
  12. I think about the siblings that each of my sons have ( Gabriel with 1 older brother, 1 older sister and Parker with 2 older brothers and 2 older sisters) and worry and wonder and worry more. I hope that someday those will be meaningful relationships....I know I'll work hard to help that happen!
  13. beautifully said Elaine - and when and IF I do this again - I will be leaning on you my freind...I keep thinking how great an OLDER SON might be - to keep the little ones entertained
  14. I pray that this woman finds the peace of mind and heart that she needs, that the child finds the home he needs and that all the PIW find the love they need.....many God grant them all peace and grace
  15. Sunshine? I'm not so sure about that. Snow might be more appropriate! Either way, this loving mom from "The North Star State" is proudly featured in the gallery with her newest son, a strong boy from "The Lone Star State". Congratulations to the newest mom! This one was written in the stars! oops must have been a short curcit in my thinking or not enough coffee ... So never mind , and again I say welcome welcome to Elias Jaden. Its so cool to see another single mom raising a little boy, when so many women feel like they would do better with a little girl I say NOT TRUE - look at those beautiful faces. So I hope the latest Momma will add to some of the interesting conversations/topics ..... ( Not only theCowboy Dennis Hoppla)
  16. Welcome to the family litte boy. Ummmm I wonder might this single lady be from the sunshine state.
  17. HAPPY PASSOVER or GODD PESACH TO ALL We will be celebrating Pesach on saturday (Just couldn't make it work last night). We have the "short" kid friendly service set up as we will be having 6 of the under 5 set for dinner. The coolest part is all 6 are adopted ( 3 full AA boys, 2 little girls from China and a little caucasion boy, plus one family is currently a PIW in California) Its just such a gift that the process of creating family has also created so many friendships along the way. So we will be using a Passover book complete with stickers and crayons to help the kids with the Sedar..
  18. May peace be with all members of this newly formed "family", and may this little boy always know his loving beginning!
  19. Lisa, Focusing on the positive and the possible is often what motivates "us". Success stories like your sister are so important ...the people that find your and her story will be blessed and inspired!
  20. The new picture of your girls is beautiful. They have the best smiles. Glad to have your insite around the forum

  21. I can't stop thinking about this brave young woman and how she might be doing tonight. Prayers for you sweet lady and the family you are forever a part of
  22. Why do governments make these types of 'exceptions'...money of course. Everybody knows that! I certainly hope that the child will be well loved and have a good life with them. I wonder if it would be at all possible for a celebrity to participate in an open adoption relationship...and would the birth family be more likely to place with a high profile couple like Joele-Pitt because of their fame and fortune. Or would they feel vulnerable if the birth family knew who and wher the child was...like all the time. And can an unmarried couple even adopt in the States. Ummmmmmmmmmmm I wonder
  23. Jenny, Thank you so much for sharing your story. Your strenght and courage is amazing.... you are among freinds here...always
  24. Happy Happy Joy Joy....the H3's start off with a cute little boy! Welcome little one and may your birth mom always know that you are loved
  25. We missed out this year...so we'll try again next year.
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