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Abrazo's Elite
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HeidiK last won the day on January 26 2015

HeidiK had the most liked content!

About HeidiK

  • Birthday 11/15/1962

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Perris, California (Southern California)
  • Interests
    My BOYS!. Football - Go Buffalo Bills! Basketball. Scrapbooking, reading ( when I get a moment). Did I say my BOYS!


  • Member Interest Area: choose one
    Adopting Parent

Other Info

  • Currently reading
    The Red Tent ( Again)

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3,529 profile views

HeidiK's Achievements

Forum Elite

Forum Elite (7/7)



  1. welcome with love and peacefulness
  2. may youalways be happy and healthy
  3. may these two sweet babies feel the love from far and near
  4. Hang in there Merae - having a schedule makes me feel more committed and in control. Waiting was harder the second time around - my bio clock was like a bomb blast everyday. And i wasn't matched for almost 2 yrs with my original agency. I feel your pain!
  5. Prayers for Bob's family as they celebrate his wonderful life and all of his accomplishments
  6. Ahhh Hope. Beautiful beginnings and a prayer for a lifetime of love and health
  7. love and prayers for all that God has joined together
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