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Everything posted by suebee

  1. That was one of the most moving announcements I've ever read. May God richly bless you Jessika and give you peace and comfort in the days, months, and years ahead. You have shown courage and wisdom way beyond your years. I pray the relationship you have with Julie and Jonathan will continue to grow, and may the son you both love fill your lives with joy! Congrats to the new mom and dad!
  2. Jeff!!!

    I LOVE your new profile picture! It makes my heart melt...

  3. John, Surely you know about changing the font size and adding color!!!! And I think lots of emoticons would be appropriate for Darren...he loves those things!!! :wub: Don't 'cha Darren?? I bet he's so happy (or sleepy) right now, he doesn't really care!!
  4. Congratulations Kay and Darren! Can't wait to hear all about your son! Special prayers for his loving birthfamily...
  5. Both great responses! Yeah, I do tend to be long-winded!!
  6. Traci, Errrrr is right!! Just thinking out loud here and with the benefit of time to think about it (as opposed to coming up with something on the spot)...I would probably say something like, "That's great that she was able to find her birthparents (or biological parents)...I think that is a connection that many adoptees long for that people who were not adopted don't always understand. (And if at this point she didn't correct herself on her choice of the word "real" as opposed to "birthparent" because sometimes people catch that on their own, I would add....) "But as a mom who adopted her children, I consider myself Joshua and Lydia's "real" mom. I know you didn't mean to imply otherwise, but sometimes our choice of words can be taken the wrong way." At which point she would probably apologize and say that wasn't what she meant...and you could say, "I know you didn't, and people use it all the time, but to someone whose life has been blessed by adoption, it carries a different meaning." To me, the idea is not to make her feel bad, but to give her the benefit of the doubt AND to help her think about her choice of words. I think people who are not familiar with adoption don't give it much thought and sometimes the "language" is foreign to them.
  7. And ((((HUGE HUGS))) to the first parents who have sacrificed so much to give their children the lives they dream of for them....
  8. Kristal, I applaud you girl! You have such strength...I'm so glad you've found peace in your decision. You sound like you are in a good place! I'm also glad you are posting again. You have a lot of wisdom to share, and can be such a support for the women who have been where you were. (((Hugs to you!!)))
  9. For a big hint, check out the profiles in the gallery!! Congrats to the blessed couple and continued prayers for this sweet boys' first momma...
  10. Adam, That's awesome....thanks for sharing!
  11. What a wonderful announcement! Congratulations Glenn and Dyna...I have so admired your commitment and love to your son's first momma and wish you all the best as you continue your journey. Praying for peace for her in the days, months, and years ahead. May this little boy always know the love that surrounded him at his arrival.
  12. Another cute baby boy for Tennessee!! Congratulations Greg, Susan, and Preston! What a blessing for these brothers to have each other and such wonderful parents. Special prayers and blessings for their loving birthmom...
  13. Erin and Mark, I can't wait to follow your journey!
  14. When we matched with the birthmom of our daughter, I wondered if Joshua's birthmom would feel this way. She never expressed it and may not have even felt it. She was very supportive of us expanding our family and brought it up way before we were even ready to take that step!! To be honest, there is no one who could ever replace her just like Joshua is irreplaceable. Just as our hearts grew to love two children, they grew to love two very different birthmoms. I think our relationship grew stronger after our daughter was born. Ann, I think it's great that she was able to talk to you about this.
  15. Hallelujah!! Praise God for the newly expanded family and the courageous woman that made it possible! Welcome to the world of "boy parts" Melissa!! We are so happy for you all!! Susan, Larry, Joshua, and Lydia!!
  16. Congratulations Patti, Steve, and Big Brother Jack!!! I am so thrilled for you. When Joshua and I were praying for you, I was secretly asking God to send you a little girl. I love having the experience of "one of each" and there is something so precious about the way Joshua is with his little sister. I know Jack will be the same!! Praise God for this special blessing and loving prayers for her birthfamily. P.S. I agree with Donna, it has been a joy to follow your journey!!
  17. Melissa, I would not feel bad, just relieved that you were probably spared a lot of heartache. Many people fall for these scams because when you want to be a parent so badly, you are emotionally vulnerable. You were wise to seek counsel here...particularly from Elizabeth...she's got a lot of experience and will always shoot straight! Wishing you the best on the journey to your child... Susan
  18. Ooooooo...I was just wondering about this family! Congratulations to you Caroline and Benji! Saying special prayers for the first mom who helped make your dreams come true! Welcome to the world little one!
  19. I'll have to go back and read the articles, but I wanted to comment on this quote. I think one of the reasons choosing to adopt was not a difficult decision for me was because I had been taught and seen through the example of my mom that your children are not your "own." You have the privilege of raising them for 18 or so years, but ultimately they do belong to God and they are also their own unique individuals...totally separate from their parents.
  20. Congrats Laurel, Casey and big brother!! Can't wait to hear more! Saying special prayers for your loving birthfamily!!
  21. Congratulation to all the new families. Prayers for peace and healing for the courageous moms who made it possible.
  22. Great articles! So far, no one has mistaken me for Lydia's grandmother, but I do leave those "I love Grandma" bibs at home when we go out so there's no confusion!
  23. What joyous news!! May God bless your life precious girl and surround you with love from both of your families. Praying for the newest family and the strong woman who made such a loving choice for her daughter.
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