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Everything posted by ElizabethAnn

  1. These things go in cycles, of course! but lately, it seems that nearly every birthparent intake we've gotten is requesting only "Hispanic couples, living in Texas." So that's good news, if you're a Hispanic couple, living in Texas, and hoping to adopt! Start with the "AP Inquiry" (preapplication) form that you download here. (And we'll take it from there.)
  2. Sharon, so glad to see you on the Forum! Welcome! This is one of my favorite benefits of being part of the Abrazo Family; so make yourself at home, because this is truly a place where you can find love and support and advice and information and hundreds of kindred spirits! I know you have much wisdom to share and I'm so glad you've joined us here!

  3. Just wanted to pass this along for anyone who could use this kind of help: CLEANING FOR A REASON
  4. Erin, I so appreciate your participation on the Forum; your insight and input are very welcome here, and I just want to be sure you know that! Best regards!

  5. (It's been a few weeks since we've heard any updates on our forum friend, Rebecca... just wanted to post a word of concern here, to let Rebecca and her supportive hubby Bryan know they both remain very much in all our thoughts and prayers! Hope everything is okay, no, make that BETTER THAN OKAY on their end!)
  6. Yayyy!! It's our New Girl, the fledgling AbrazoChick! Welcome to the Forum... now you'll REALLY be "in the know" and ready to go! Joining the Forum family is like getting to move up from the card table in the kitchen to the holiday meal served in the dining room-- you're not just "hired help", you're FAMILY now! So glad you're one of us. Make yourself at home! (and stay awhile!) :)

  7. You're right, Jill... through the webmaster's magic, there are certain terms that are automatically edited/out when used on our Forum, and that potentially-offensive two-letter abbreviation for 'birthmother' is one of them! The system automatically substitutes less offensive words or phrases for all the naughty words, as well, which makes for some pretty funny reading if you don't realize what the cheese pizza happened to your original post! LOL

  9. Interesting story, about a couple who previously adopted, and have both been diagnosed with breast cancer: Weathering Life's Turbulence With Humor and Hope
  10. Amanda, this is wonderful news, indeed! I remember how overwhelming openness once seemed to you all, and I thank God for all that has happened since then that now empowers you to embrace the possibility of access! If Abrazo can help in any way with your reconnections with Arianna's first mom, please (please!) don't hesitate to let us know. We consider Arianna (and all who belong to her) as part of our Abrazo family, and that goes for her birthmom, as well.
  11. Here's an interesting legal dispute out of Mississippi, in which the Illinois Central Railroad filed suit to intervene in the adoption of three grandchildren by their grandpa, who was retired from the railroad: If You Were The Judge, How Would You Rule?
  12. Out of Louisiana comes this very strange case, just reversed by higher courts on appeal, that illustrates perfectly how confused and confusing interfamily placements can become, nine years later: read it here or follow this helpful summary: 1) Jason & Lucille hook up; an unexpected pregnancy results. 2) Tyler is born in May of 2000. 3) Eleven months later, in April of 2001, Lucille agrees to let Jason's mom, Judith, take the baby, although she claims she never realized she was signing over parental rights (just temporary custody.) 4) Judith adopts Tyler but then leaves him with the birthparents for 6 months and moves out of state in September 2002. 5) Judith moves back to LA in February 2003, sharing a duplex with Jason & Lucille, and takes Tyler back. 6) Nine months later, in September 2005, Lucille & Jason break up & he moves in with a new woman. 7) In 4/06, Lucille & Jason file for custody of their biological son; in 7/06, the State takes the child temporarily. 8) In 11/06, Lucille evicts Judith from the duplex. 9) In 2006/2007, the district courts gave joint custody to Lucille, Jason and Judith. 10) In 2009, the appeals court finds the district courts ruled in error and remands the 2006 ruling, making Tyler's only legal parent Judith again. If we find all this confusing, how must it appear from young Tyler's perspective?!
  13. The "Chosen Baby" was first published by Lippincott in 1939, and it was the first adoption story book to present adoption in a positive light (although, of course, it included no discussion whatsover of where those "just the right babies" came from or why.) I have a well-worn copy here at the office, that I picked up at a secondhand book store years ago... I figure this is probably where most of Abrazo's random callers get the odd idea that they can call us up and come "look over" our babies, as so many folks have asked to do, over the years?
  14. Take a moment today to light a candle (JUST CLICK HERE!) in thanksgiving, or in memory, or if you or someone you know is in need of prayer...
  15. I sent my boys to an awesome, interdenominational church camp (see http://www.tbarmcamps.org) this summer that offers their families spiritual support throughout the year... they email devotionals to parents and I thought I'd share some of them here, as I find them really helpful:
  16. Hey, Natalie! Just 383 more posts and you'll be ready to step into the posh interior of the Inner Sanctum! YOU CAN DO IT!!! ;)

  17. Oh, my... a uniquely Catholic battle is being waged in FL at present: Priest & Stripper Fight for Custody of Baby Girl God bless the child who's caught in the middle.
  18. Here's a horrible report out of Canada, about a babydaddy who was so opposed to his mother's plan to adopt his infant daughter that he murdered her in the home: Baby Loses Birthgrandmother At the Hands of Her Own Dad
  19. As we remind folks (over and over again, ad nauseum!) we have to accept far fewer againers each year than childless couples because of the general propensity for expectant parents to want their baby to be the firstborn (which thereby necessitates a "supply" of 2-3 times as many childess couples than families with children. However, I was thinking this morning about how blessed we are at Abrazo to have so many awesome friends wanting to return to adopt through Abrazo again, and about how much more "advanced" orientation should be for them, and how cool it would be to mix up former orientation groups so more of our favorite againers could meet each other... and I began to think about the possibility of holding a special regional "againers-only" orientation retreat for our more racially-open alumni, in the late spring... It would need to be a very select group of only 6-8 couples, to ensure that we didn't swell the program with too many families with kids (because to do so would only lengthen the wait for our experienced parents all year long, then.) But because this group would already be experienced with openness, we could eliminate alot of the elementary "don't-get-freaked-out-by-openness" stuff we focus on at our garden-variety orientations, to do more in-depth work in other adoption-readiness areas. And we could hold it in a fun location that's financially-reasonable for everyone (on a weekend cruise out of FL or Galveston, perhaps? in the Smokey Mountains, where the Elites hold their annual retreat? at the Bishops Lodge of Santa Fe? or in New Orleans, just to support that economy and eliminate the need for the cooler, ha!) I'm thinking this would be limited to the "best of" the againers, those who (1) have been through an original Abrazo orientation weekend (whether or not they actually took placement through Abrazo or had an opportunity arise elsewhere), who (2) have honored their promises to live in openness after finalization, and who (3) are the "cream of the crop" in terms of Abrazo's most faithful supporters (those who have continued to support Abrazo and its mission in word and deed since their first go-round in our program.) Whaddaya'll think?
  20. Welcome to the Forum!! Welcome to Abrazo! We LOVED getting to know you this weekend and can't wait to see you move from the "In-Waiting" column to the ranks of the tired joyful! Big hugs to you both... hollahhh!

  21. A Christian author talks about why she sought reunion with not just her birthmother but her birthfather, as well: What It Means to be "Heard, Seen, Known"
  22. Lighting some candles for those for whom I'm lifting prayers this week! And for two special moms who are facing some very painful decisions... And for two excited couples who might just be about to become parents for the first time. Thank You, God, for the joy of being part of Abrazo's family and for all who have chosen to remain active members of this family long after they "had" to be! Amen (Want to light some of your own? It's easy! Just click here!)
  23. Welcome, welcome! So glad you've joined the Forum... make yourself at home, and you won't have to be "new" for long. We're like a big 'ole family around here, and we are delighted to have you, so jump in any topic, any discussion & share your wisdom! We learn best from each other around here, so know you're surely among friends. :)

  24. This is from the temple my aunt attends in Honolulu, and I thought it was a good message for all of us, regardless of our faith of origin... From: Days of Awe
  25. Welcome to the Forum! We're glad you're here... make yourself at home, and jump in any discussions, anywhere. It's like a big, noisy family around here, and now you're part of it, so mi Forum es su Forum! Enjoy!

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