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Brian and Cathy

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Everything posted by Brian and Cathy

  1. I spoke with Angela yesterday. She has everything now in order to review our application and make a decision regarding whether or not we will receive an invite to orientation. Of couse, I am sure this decision will be put on temporary hold since she's en-route to unite a new family together So, for now, we'll continue to wait for that much anticipated call Ever feel like you're on pins and needles Cathy
  2. Yeah, we've been waiting news like this Congratulations to the newest Abrazo family Cathy
  3. To myself, I say "if my mom and dad didn't have children, I wouldn't be here." :angry:
  4. Guess they don't realize that if we are meant to have children we will--period Cathy
  5. I can't imagine how her parents feel right now. Thank goodness for her release! Cathy
  6. Cameon, I doubt that I'm as busy as you with three Unfortunately, we don't have number one yet so I'm not much assistance in being able to relate to your questions. I'm sure you'll be able to get them answered either here on the forum or by talking to someone. Hopefully you'll have all of your questions answered soon. Good luck! Cathy
  7. Cameron, We are fairly new to ABRAZO, but from what I've read on the forum, you will find company out here. I'm sure a personal call to one of the Abrazochicks could also answer some of your questions. Best wishes. . . Cathy
  8. And to ABRAZO for doing their part Hoping this child is welcomed soon by a family. Cathy
  9. I love your avatar of you and your dogs. Are they both labs? The photo reminds me of photos we used to take of our two dogs--one lab and the other is a lab/greyhound mix. We lost the lab, but still have the mix.


  10. I did it. I left Angela a message this afternoon Cathy
  11. Thinking out loud here, I need to follow-up with Angela again to make sure everything has been received in order for our application to be reviewed As the NIKE commercial says, "Just Do It " Cathy
  12. How ironic, but nice that you were able to attend this unfortunate event. It is nice to know you were welcomed by Eduardo's family and able to spend some time with them allowing your daughter a chance to know her birth family. Cathy
  13. I've been wondering the same thing. . .maybe we'll find out soon Cathy
  14. Sounds like things were/are meant to be for both families Wishing all the best Thanks for sharing with us tonight. Cathy
  15. Me either! Makes me sick :angry: We are all human and deserve respect Cathy
  16. Another sad story. But, another example of how homeless people do care and are kind. It's nice to see that you didn't just ignore Danny and you actually know what he was saying to you. I'm glad you informed the college frat guys that they should leave Danny alone :angry: Unfortunately, some people are cruel--some are very cruel as is obvious from Danny's current condition Cathy
  17. How sad and tragic. Eduardo obviously was not a bad person as many people often assume homeless people are. He is an example of how caring these individuals really are. He cared enough to want a better life for his daughter. I do hope there are people out there who will show him respect and say good-bye to him Thank you for sharing this tragic story with us so we can all remember Eduardo and know he was not just a homeless man Cathy
  18. Thank you all for your comments and links I believe I (we) will have a starting place now Thank you, again! Cathy
  19. Thanks for the suggestion. I guess part of why we haven't started that part of the process is that we really don't know where to begin. Any suggestions on how you go about beginning the homestudy process? I know we have to be fingerprinted, there are visits, etc., but we don't know anything about officially finding someone to conduct the homestudy. Cathy
  20. Interesting Thanks for the additional information Cathy
  21. Thanks for the clarification, Elizabeth. We will hold off on the homestudy until we learn whether or not we are approved by ABRAZO Of course, we are hoping we will be approved so we can proceed with our dream Cathy
  22. Adam, thank you for the heads up! I didn't think about that, but am glad you said something Cathy
  23. Mona confirmed that both of our packets had been received Thank you, Mona However, I didn't ask her to confirm that all three of our references had been received :angry: I know one has been, but I'm not sure about the other two Cathy
  24. Susan, Congratulations to you and your husband Sounds like you're family will be expanding before you know it--July is right around the corner Cathy
  25. Thanks, Elizabeth. I only sent one check for the application fee. I did send in the orientation request form, but only put a note on it about sending in a separate check if (hopefully) we are approved and invited to orientation. I hope this is not a problem should (hopefully) we be approved and invited. Cathy P.S. Sorry for being impatient today, but I really wanted to get our application in the mail since I had time today. P.P.S. Okay, okay. . .I should have been patient today. I just realized I forgot to include the photos we took of our home. Guess you could say "sugar smacks," but that's not what I said to myself when I realized I left these out :angry: Package two is on it's way tomorrow
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