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Paul and Michelle

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Everything posted by Paul and Michelle

  1. Yeah Yeah Yeah - Another WI Abrazobabe!! Congrats!!
  2. To those who are disappointed by this news...we received the same news when we were ready to add to our family...So we went elsewhere - and then we came home to Abrazo and have the boy of our dreams. (Trust me...all agencies are not created equal and we are so grateful to have been welcomed back with open arms!) Good luck and God Bless!
  3. Congratulations!! I am so happy for all! God Bless!!
  4. Joe and Nancy, Wow...from Fabulous Six Packers to family of five. Congratulations! We are so happy for you! The Dahlkes
  5. Thank you for the update. She really touched our hearts!!
  6. My prayers are for this little girl. Oh, I wish I had a homestudy complete!!!!!
  7. Another Abrazobabe in WI! Congratulations!! So happy for you!
  8. Congratulations to two families we hold dear to us...The first we met in the "beginning" and the second, we met, via phone, after Carter was born. Congratulations to you both! Doug and Jennifer, may God bless your family! Congratulations - I can't tell you how excited we are! Gina and Ernie, Congratulations!! It sounds like you have had a journey...but well worth the tears and fears! God bless!!
  9. Another El Paso girl babe...May she bring you the joy and happiness our little El Paso daughter has brought us. Congratulations and safe travels!!
  10. Thank you for sharing!! My baby girl is from El Paso too...We can't wait to visit again!
  11. Ahhh!! I couldn't agree more...I was so hoping to see a baby post!!
  12. Hi Angelita, I think I may bring a unique perspective. My husband and I started the adoption process the second time with an agency other than Abrazo. We were ready before Abrazo was (at the time they were only accepting childless couples). We started down the path with a different agency and it did not work well at all. We were matched 3 times and each story became worse than the one before. It was HEART WRENCHING! It makes me sad just thinking about it...but I would not have had it any other way. In November, I contacted Abrazo to ask some questions but we had sooo much invested with the other agency, we had no idea how to move forward! We knew we chose the wrong path but did not know how to make it right. However, in February, we received a call from Angela (our ANGEL) and we were on our way to Texas quickly! Moral of the story...in His time, you will have an addition to your family and with the child that is meant to be yours!
  13. A message similar to Elizabeth's previous post came out when we were hoping to grow our family. We decided to work with another agency instead of waiting. A few months after this, I stated to a dear friend of mine,"This is not how we were supposed to grow our family! We are not on the right path, but how can we make it right?" A year and a half later, our son found us and no other place but going home to Abrazo could make that dream come true. Moral of the Story: If you are committed to Abrazo and feel in your heart that Abrazo is the right place, but it just isn't the right time. Do some extra soul searching...The wait could pay off in a big way!!
  14. Welcome to Abrazo!! Starting out can be daunting, scary, as well as exciting! You will love the Abrazo team!! A few words of advice...If that call doesn't come as quickly as you had hoped and you seem to talk to a lot of birthmom's and nothing seems to click...It is because YOUR baby has not found you yet. Have faith, do fun things as a couple, and your baby will find you!!
  15. An El Paso babe - Yeah!! We have an El Paso darlin'! Congratulations - I hope that you received the same wonderful El Paso hospitality as we did!!
  16. Thank you for sharing this Elizabeth. When Paul and I decided to adopt, we thought it was very important that the people who made our dreams come true should never wonder if their child (grandchild, niece, nephew, etc.) is well and happy. They should never wonder, "What does he/she look like?; What does he/she like to do?; etc." This issue honestly never entered our mind. This weekend, my daughter received a birthday gift from her birthmom and she absolutely loves it! We left her a voice mail (unfortunately could not get her "live") but Chloe loved to hear her voice. I have a funny open adoption story. I wrote a letter to our daughter's birthmother to let her know what Chloe is up to. (We write about every other month). Chloe loves to play baseball. (She is actually pretty good at hitting the ball when it is pitched to her). I told her birthmom this story and she wrote me an email saying that our daughter's birthgrandmother LOVES baseball and was hoping one of her grandchildren would love to play too. It turns out that Chloe's birthsiblings do not like to play baseball...and tChloe's birthgrandmother was quite sad about it. Now, she is ecstatic because she has a grandchild to play baseball! Thanks again!
  17. Congratulations to all of the families!! Wow, it has been busy! Good luck everyone and God Bless!!!
  18. Hello Everyone...My 2 cents!! Hello Coopers - Congratulations!! This week our daughter received a package from El Paso, TX. It was a pair of pajamas (Dora princess jammies) from her birth grandmother. I have not been able to get them out of her sight. (Pretty soon they are going to start walking around by themselves...) =) Pretty scary, huh? =) I am not sure the root of the fear from most people. Before Chloe, some people in my family thought we were "odd" because we truly wanted an open adoption! Chloe's birthfamily does contact us - and they provide her love and caring. Is anyone loved too much? My family "gets it" now...and they also want to participate (and have participated) in the relationship with our daughter's birthfamily. It is about education but primarily, people have to talk to and be around people who have experienced the joy of open adoption. Then, they have to live it and the fear just goes away... God Bless and Happy New Year!!
  19. Hello Everyone!! Our thoughts and prayers go to everyone affected by Hurricane Katrina. I work for an organization who is missing some of it's "family" and we are tremendously worried. I had to compose myself as I was arranging to get aid to some of our "family members" in the form of arranging payment for diapers and formula as well as water, food, etc. The thought of hungry babies overwhelms me...I wish I were closer to help!! I am very proud to work for the company I do though...they are doing the RIGHT thing to help people affected by this tragedy!! I also have to say "THANK YOU TEXAS!" for helping in the big Texas way!! Texas only knows how to do things BIG -and right now you are!! God Bless!! I am offering monetary assistance but Abrazo, you are close enough to know if there are other things that we can do as an Abrazo community to help!! Marleygirl, You are in my thoughts and prayers!!!
  20. Oh, I wish! But a 3 year old and 2 under the age of 1 might be a little challenging... Anyone searching and haven't yet decided on Abrazo... It truly is not "if" but "when".
  21. The somewhat quick story... 2001 My sister-in-law has a "stiching" friend who was working with Abrazo and expecting a baby in April. She gave me her number & Paul and I met with them. The next week we called Abrazo and started the paperwork. 2005 We are proud parents of 2 Abrazo babes PLUS made some great friends who, thanks to them, we have our 2 beautiful children. THANK YOU Jenni N!! And Chloe has a great friend - Lucas. That is how we found Abrazo - all the way from WI!
  22. Congratulations!! Miracles happen at every turn don't they! Can't wait to meet you at Camp Abrazo. I think there will be lots of little babies at Camp Abrazo and oh we can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Hello! Our homestudy was $2500 and updates were $700. Boy, I wish our rates were cheaper but, we have an amazing social working here in WI so it is worth it! Good luck!
  24. We are so happy for you!!! I heard a quote in church after our first failed adoption plan, "From dusk comes dawn." Congratulations! Dylan sounds like a GREAT big brother! Take care of little Brenli (cute name) and our prayers go out to Brenli's birthfamily! God Bless!!
  25. Once again, faith has not steered me wrong!! The legal risk portion of our placement has come to an end! Angela just MADE MY DAY!! Have a good weekend everyone! My family sure will!!
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