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Everything posted by hkingkong

  1. I saw Juno too recently and liked it. I think she saw a great mother in the adoptive mom no matter what her circumstance.
  2. Elizabeth,

    Happy May Day! I can just see you sneeking up to people's doors and running away! Thanks for letting me know about this special holiday!


  3. Good question. I think the couple should be able to embrace the full race. I say that now because we were one of those couples in the beginning who were hesitant. Thanks for all the education I have gotten on the Forum and from the Big guy upstairs. I now know that you just have to jump in and do it and you won't regret it. Heather
  4. I recently talked to a lady at the doctors office who's friends paid $80,000 for a white baby that they got quickly. Like 7 months. I was astounded. They appearantly went through a facilitator that we tried using and had a bad experience with.
  5. Just curious how baby Victoria is doing? She was placed last July and I think about her when I see her picture pop up. Heather
  6. This is awsome! I will spread the word. You guys will be so busy you will have to rent the whole 5th floor. Heather
  7. hkingkong


    Just think your half way to 50. At least that's what others teased me about when I was 25. Heather
  8. hkingkong


    Welcome Erin and James. We had two adopted children when we came to Abrazo and we can say it works! When you find the right match. Good luck on getting an acceptance letter! Heather
  9. Congratulations Brian, Cathy and Josie Maye!
  10. Praying for this little angel and her mom. Heather
  11. Great rehabilitation services. :angry: Heather
  12. lovehopeandfaith, The thing that impresses me the most about Abrazo is how much they want you to continue to be a part of the Abrazo family. They want to continue to know about your child as they grow up. We adopted two children from another agency and one from Abrazo. The other agency does not ask to know about the children they placed with us. This makes me kind of sad. Good luck on your journey and we hope you will join the Abrazo family! Heather
  13. Thank you Karen you have brought some thoughts I had into better understanding. All I want are my kids to have those hopefully positive relationships with their birthfamilies because they need to know who loves them and thinks about them all the time. Heather
  14. I have been wondering about this subject lately. Katelyn's birthmother seems to not want contact. Emelie's birthmother writes to us occasionaly and we write back. I would really like to open our relationship with Emelie's birthmother but I wonder what is best for Emelie. There have been issues but I've been longing to connect. Emelie still does not grasp the concept of adoption and her birthmother is very sensitive and I worry that she may feel rejected if Emelie does not remember her. Of course we have contact with Brayden's birthfamily as much as possible. I think when you start out with a semi-open adoption it is harder to open the relationship. Do I frame a picture of their birthmother's? Is it a sad reminder to Katelyn that her birthmother is too scared to have a relationship? If one relationship is more open with one than another does that add salt to the wound? What our your experiences? Heather
  15. So good to see a baby announcement! Congratulations!
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