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Abrazo's Elite
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mlw last won the day on November 2 2014

mlw had the most liked content!

About mlw

  • Birthday 10/01/1970

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  • Interests
    Precious family, shopping, reading, traveling, skiing


  • Member Interest Area: choose one
    Adopting Parent

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  • Currently reading
    "Boundaries for Teens", "Two Little Girls: A Memoir of Adoption", "Growing Girls: The Mother of all Adventures"

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Forum Elite

Forum Elite (7/7)



  1. What an exciting time Katie and Matt! Looking forward to your journey!
  2. Congratualtions to the newest family. What a special announcement at such a special time of the year!
  3. WOO HOO!!!! So thankful for the official news we all had been waiting for!!! Very excited to spoil this one!!! Can't wait for Avery to tell me all about it!
  4. Congratulations to the newest family!!
  5. Wonderful news!!!! Congratulations to the newly formed family!!!
  6. loves her family!

  7. mlw


    Welcome Corey and Rebecca! So glad you have found Abrazo and the forum! You are right, this forum has a wealth of info and knowledge. Please take advantage of it!!! Congratulations on the beginning of this wonderful journey!
  8. Congratulations to the newest family! Love the name Millie!
  9. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!! No other words to describe this wonderful announcement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. That would be me!!! Great idea! Looking forward to looking through the links you provided.
  11. This just breaks my heart. I'm so sorry to hear of this news. Sending up many prayers of comfort and peace for this family.
  12. We Baptists have a few 15 passenger vans and our best friends have the one step down (I can't remember how many...just not qualified as a "commercial" vehicle!)!!! I love the BMW term though!
  13. Been thinking about you the past few days and so glad to hear it is official! YIPEE!!
  14. Wonderful news!! Congratulations to the newest Abrazo family!
  15. Wonderful news!! Congratulations!!
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