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Everything posted by Angie

  1. Toni and Joe, I am so happy for the two of you! I hope everyone is doing well! Best of luck with your new family!! Angie
  2. Yeah!!!! I am sure you are tickled blue!!! Enjoy!! Angie
  3. I know it sounds wierd but for us we had to go with our gut feelings. Once we had the boys we both said that we were done. Although we stated early in our marriage that we only wanted two pregnancies we did not realize that one pregnancy would result in two handsome boys. So we thought we had our two kids so now we are done. Once the boys were three I started to have the urge to have another. Of course Wade was not was sure as I was. We were both really scared of twins again or even triplets. We started all the treatments again but this time around we both had problems so things were looking pretty bad. My heart was broken that I could not have another child! I guess as a way to protect myself I said that it was fine and we didn't need any more children. That lasted a year!! I really felt we needed one more child to make our family complete. After many months of talking this over with Wade he came to the same conclusion. We would like to have one more. We are now very blessed to have three boys and I can say that are family is now complete. I feel that we have the children that we were meant to have and we both feel that there is nothing missing in our lives. We are now going to sit back and watch our children grow into responsible adults. We are enjoying every minute with them and there is not greater joy than parenthood!! Angie
  4. Congratulations on your new son!! As a mother of three boys I have to say that boys are wonderful!!! You are going to have so much fun!!! Angie
  5. Dinner time was always special me when I was growing up and I really would like to continue the tradition. Unfortunantly we are not always home at the same time or one of us has a late meeting. Since I am a teacher most of my meeting are something that we can go as a family so that makes it nice. We also set aside Thursday night as family night and we go out to eat as a family. I like this because we get to spend time together without having to spend time preparing a meal and cleaning up the kitchen. It works for us!! Angie
  6. Congratulations Summer Strollers!!
  7. Well I have to say that we are on Cloud Nine!! Our new son, Colby, was born on Saturday, September 24th at 1:50 pm and weighed in at 9 lbs 5 ozs. He is an absolute dream!!! I will tell our story once we get home on Thursday. Right now we are enjoying him and our wonderful BP!!!! Love, Wade, Angie, Riley, Bailey, and Colby
  8. Yeah for Amanda and Chris!!! Best of luck with your little one!!
  9. Sabrina, I know that I love to read your posts because you offer so much insight. I think you have a different perspective to offer and many find it helpful. Please continue to fill our lives with your wisdom!!
  10. Jeff and Amy, Trinity is a beautiful name!! Thanks for sending a pictures!! She is perfect!!! Enjoy family time now!!!! Angie
  11. Jeff and Amy, Congratulations!!! I am so happy for the two you! I know your daughter was worth the wait!! Enjoy every precious moment!!! Angie
  12. Yeah fellow Cloud Niner!!!! I am so happy for you!!!! Enjoy every moment with your daughter. I am glad to hear you made it safely through the hurricane. Enjoy family life!!! Angie
  13. Yeah PeaBiscuits!!! I am so happy for your new edition. Little boys are wonderful!! Enjoy every precious moment with him and his birthmother. Angie
  14. Brenda, Mike and Gabe, I am so happy to hear that you finally have your baby girl!! It is very nice ending to your story!! Best Wishes!!! Angie
  15. Congratulations PeaBiscuit!!! Enjoy every precious moment with your daughter!!! Angie
  16. Elizabeth, That was a wonderful message. Thank you sharing it with us. Angie
  17. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!!!!! I have been waiting to hear the big news. I am sooooo happy for the two you. Enjoy every precious moment with your new daughter. Angie
  18. Congrats Darryl and Lanice! I am very happy for the two of you. Enjoy your little bundle of joy!!! angie
  19. Bread and Water, I am so sorry that you are having some problems right now. I want you to know that you have found a place to talk with unconditional love and support. We may not have met, but I think we really do know each other becasue we are sharing some very personal information. Adoption has touched everyone on the forum and we know how beautiful is!!!! I know that happier times are ahead for you. Angie
  20. Marcelo, Claudia, and Dante, I just want to say Congratulations again!!! He is soooo cute!!! You are truly blessed with a wonderful son and birthmother. Let me know when you are settled back home! Angie
  21. I do not feel that we found Abrazo but they found us! Long before we began discussing adoption, I was playing around on the internet and stumbled on thier site. I think I read every bit of information on thier website including the forum that night. Well I bookmarked it and went back to it every now and again. Fastforward about a year and my husband and I started talking about adopting. I have a really dear friend of mine that adopted from an agency in our area everything she told me about the agency sounded good. We decided to go with them and they sent us the initial paperwork. We quickly filled it out but for some reason we did not mail it. We allow a few weeks to pass by to think things through when I felt I recieved the sign to go with Abrazo. I was watching Doug and Jennifer's story on Adoption Stories and heard the name Abrazo. I starting yelling for my husband to come see and I told him this was the agency that I was talking about. I of course ran to the computer and pulled up their site and began reading. I told my husband to take a look and tell me what he thinks. He was sold!!! I called the next day and got the ball rolling and rest is history!! I am so happy that I am on this journey and I can't wait to hold one precious little boy in about four months. We have made several wonderful friends through Abrazo and one terrific new family member, our birthmother! I will forever be grateful!! Angie
  22. Adina and Ben, Congratulations on your new baby boy!!! I know the two of you are over the moon. Best Wishes, Wade and Angie
  23. Babies, Babies, Babies!!!! I know a few ladies that have been really busy the past few days!! Congratulations to new proud parents. Enjoy every precious moment!! Angie
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