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dbugsma last won the day on November 1 2016

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About dbugsma

  • Birthday 07/19/1971

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    Taking care of my family, managing a full time job, part-time grad student...living one day at a time


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    Adopting Parent

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    The stack is too tall :)

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  1. So, I'm back..... I started researching an agency for our second adoption in 2003. But we were not really ready (emotionally, financially...etc) until 2004. I started seriously researching agencies. We live in Virginia...& to be frank, the adoption laws of Virginia are pretty stinky. I knew from the experiences of our first adoption in 2000, that we needed an agency that provided: birthparent support a full service agency be located in a state that had shorter parental termination...more on that shortly had supportive staff & adoptive families. I spent many nights on the computer reading through agency, after agency...I KEPT coming back to ABRAZO. I read the forum from beginning to end...there wasn't as much traffic at that time nor members. I knew all the stories...knew what to expect as far as the process with ABRAZO...& knew that we belonged with ABRAZO. Background...our first adoption was extremely rocky with more twist & turns than we bargained for. We learned SO MUCH during the adoption of our daughter & that made us know that for our next adoption what we could & could not stand/tolerate during a second adoption. Virginia has basically a 25 day termination law. We did an independent adoption & those laws had to be followed during our daughter's adoption...hence, the search for a state with a shorter termination phase. We signed on with ABRAZO in March 2005. Attended orientation in May 2005. We had one match early on that didn't pan out. But 2 short weeks later we matched with our son's birthparents...Hayden was born August 14, 2005. We were there when he was born, spent time with his birthparents before & after birth. Hayden is now 7, almost 8! WOW, it really doesn't seem possible that Hayden is almost 8. The community within Abrazo is very special...these are friends that have carried us through some of Hayden's medical issues valleys while cheering us on through the peaks. I can't image a better place to be involved with. Feel free to message me for personal questions.
  2. It is late for me...but I will come back to give the short version of our long story later this week. Amy
  3. Ditto. We used the same agency as Beth and Jim for our home study and their fees are high. I know it's a pain to start over again with someone new, but it might be worth it. We only stuck with our original agency because we LOVED our social worker and we knew that she would do the visit and update in lightening fast speed once we were matched. I echo Nicole & Beth...we had to start from scratch when we did our second adoption with Abrazo seven yrs ago. Yes, it was a royal pain...but we had very limited resources for homestudies in our area Be persistent...hang in there! xoxo, Amy I might add....it wasn't our choice nor desire to 'start' the homestudy process all over again...it's Virginia's rules & regs for ya! Amy
  4. Ditto. We used the same agency as Beth and Jim for our home study and their fees are high. I know it's a pain to start over again with someone new, but it might be worth it. We only stuck with our original agency because we LOVED our social worker and we knew that she would do the visit and update in lightening fast speed once we were matched. I echo Nicole & Beth...we had to start from scratch when we did our second adoption with Abrazo seven yrs ago. Yes, it was a royal pain...but we had very limited resources for homestudies in our area Be persistent...hang in there! xoxo, Amy
  5. I do detest MRI's...I pray your DD's goes well...AND green flags from both the neurologist & neurosurgeon...keep the faith friend!
  6. I remember thinking when we started our journey to our 2nd child, that our wait would be a long time...we already had a child & we were ok with knowing it might take some time. But as we know the timing isn't in our hands...the timing belongs to God. We had several 'interesting' birthparent calls along the way before having the 'one'. I remember two things especially from our first meeting with Hayden's birthparents....they thought Tim was very laid back & like a 'good ole country boy'...that still makes me laugh, but it is so true, birthparents see things in us & our spouses that we tend to forget or overlook. And the other thing was they appreciated/liked that I am in the medical field, & tend to voice my thoughts & opinions about situations while respecting others...little did we all know how valuable my career would be in the years to come in our parenting of Hayden. Each situation is different & each set of birthparent(s) is searching for the special thing(s) for the parents...when those things click it is magical thing. And those things are different for each child. Hang in there...remember someone (even in the second time around phase) is first & someone is last...and it's not if but when. Hugs to each & everyone of you
  7. May the whisper into the right ears at the right time for.those waiting. The bird whispered to us & we listened...and were blessed with our son. Amy
  8. Mari, I love following you on FaceBook! But I really love seeing you & your beautiful family here on Abrazo....there is just something about the triad & the love that spills from all angles. Hope everyone is doing well in all aspects. I look forward to reading more of your journey to your daughter's healing when the time is right. Much love, Amy
  9. Congrats on your son! Enjoy every new moment.

  10. I know this is a big week for you. Sending prayers for Hayden, but your whole family, too!! Let us know how everything's going!!

  11. What an exciting weekend for the Elite Aunties! Congratulations to all members of this family....may there be peace & strength to Crystal in the many days ahead. Blessings, Amy in Virginia
  12. Mari, You are one busy lady. Happy Holidays to you....enjoy Solan's birthday, Glad to hear that Lauranda is doing better.....what a major accomplishment! All my best, Amy
  13. Hope things are going better Mari. May this day....your birthday, be a very good day. Celebrate in style!!! Amy
  14. As another Virginian, I say welcome to the Abrazo family! There is a small but growing group of Abrazo families in the NoVa area. Susan & I head up the yearly gathering for the Virginia/WVa/DC/Maryland region. Feel free to PM me for questions, etc. Welcome to Abrazo. Blessings, Amy
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