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Sandi & Scott

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Everything posted by Sandi & Scott

  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As 1 of 3 girls and my mom was 1 of 3 girls and I have 3 nieces..............GIRLS ROCK!!!! Enjoy every moment of your daughter's lives and I am sure you must be feeling so blessed. Sandi
  2. YEAH TO MIKE, KELLY, ETHAN AND THEIR BIRTHPARENTS!!!!!!!! So glad that you didnt get to go to Barbados, Texas is much better Love the picture in the gallery what a "circle of love" you make around your son....its beautiful. Love and thinking of you all.............hoping to get to see you in San Antonio....soon. Love ya, Sandi & Scott
  3. Hi All, Shalom So I figured I would jump in on this one as I have some prior knowledge. I am a bonafied Jew, born and bred My parents were a little confused growing up and while they were batmitzvah'd, my sisters and I were not. They were of the school of ask your kids what they want and let them just be themselves. They asked us if we wanted to go to Hebrew school and we said no, hence we didnt go. They now regret it but its a little late. We also didn't keep Kosher or go to Temple every week. However, we celebrate all of the holidays and I try to fast on Yom Kippor (sometimes I cant because of stomach issues). The reason I didn't use Jewish Family Services is because my husband Scott is Roman Catholic, good reason huh???. We will raise our children with knowledge and exposure to both religions, but with the basis on faith in God. It actually makes holiday time easier except Thanksgiving and the july 4th for example. Elizabeth, my family is also from Russia and then moved to England, then America. As far as advice to couples starting the process, I dont think that religion really plays a role if you use Abrazo. What I mean is, that if you are really religious you would use Jewish Family Services or say Christian Health Services or an agency that is religious. While I know that the Abrazo ladies are women of God, I see you more as non-dinominational spiritual people. Myself being Jewish I never felt out of place here or like a second class citizen. I have always felt like our mutual belief in God united us. As far as the messionic church, they are also called Jews for Jesus if I am not misunderstood. From what I have been told, they are as different to Jews as say Christian. I learned something the other day that I thought was interesting. I heard someone speaking on the different religions and he said that we are all so similiar that if we really knew there should be no fighting over religion. He said the Jews came first, had their beliefs and are now waiting for the Messiah. Then Christianity was just the same philosophy's except, hey the Messiah did come and it was Jesus. The Muslim took it a step farther and said, Jesus was a great man, but Mohammed was the Messiah. I found that to be so interesting. If we all stopped and took a look we would realize that we are all so similiar and where we are different we should be tolerant and celebrate the diversity not fight about it. Ok, stepping off my soapbox. But as a Jew outside of the east or west coast, we are very misunderstood. I will never forget a girl moving to my school from Michigan when I was about 12. She didnt believe I was Jewish because she was always told that we had tails Crazy stuff huh. Even in college I had a roomate from Minnesota and she said I was the first Jew she had ever met up close. Wow, long post I guess I had something to say about this issue. Lisa if you want to know anything just ask. I am just happy that there is something that I can actually help you on. Sandi
  4. JUST A BIG AND GENERAL CONGRATS TO ALL THE NEW PARENTS. WHAT A WEEK FOR LITTLE BOYS............WE KNOW OF 3 FAMILIES WHO ARE FEELING BLUE AND LOVING IT !!!!! Being a part of the everyday goings on of an agency is exciting. We get to experience the ride along with you and I love it, it makes me feel connected. I wasnt even allowed to ask at our other agency if anyone looked at our portfolio ("if someone chooses you we will let you know" ). This forum and the openess are a breath of fresh air and make the journey a lot more fun. Sandi
  5. Congratulations Wilder Family, Although I am a Tot, I have been following your story for a while. What a rollercoaster ride you have been on. But thank God it turned out so well in the end. Congrats and enjoy your new little boy. Sandi
  6. THE TOTS DO ROCK (not like Im partial or anything )
  7. We are so excited about being Ashton's parents. This is the first time since we brought him home I am able to post. He is definately an answer to a prayer. My husband Dave and I have been through a lot of heart ache in the past 8 years. We have had 2 miscarriages with one being twins, mutliple infertility treatments to the point I felt like a pin cushion , we also registered with another agency and was with them for over 3 years with no opportunities. I was home sick one day and saw the Adoption story about a couple who use Abrazo and it was an answered prayer. We did our research and prayed about switching agencies and we got peace that we needed to make that change. God had put a desire in our heart to have a child and we knew we are suppose to be parents. We got our paperwork filled it all out and prayed over it before it was mailed out. Ashton is definately the child God has destined for us. A group at my work prayed everyday at noon about this agency and that the adoption would come through quick and fast....boy does he answer prayers. I got the call from Angela at work at noon about a newborn baby. It was all I could do to contain myself and I called the birthmother immediately. We hit off and there was an instant connection. My husband and I waited.....because there were other families she needed to speak to, so we waited to say the least it was hard to work the rest of the day. I got call from Angela on the way home from work that the birthmother chose us. It was all I could to drive that last 5 minutes home to tell my husband. We were on cloud nine, little did we know we were going to have to jump through a few hoops to bring him home. We already had a home study but it was not valid for Texas so we had to immediately get it redone and thanks to Elizabeth we found someone who was able to get our homestudy done immediately. After going through the whole process, faith and prayer brought Ashton home. Abrazo is wonderful and took such good care of us and even put our new baby on the phone with me so I could hear him and to encourgage us that all the stuff we were going through was worth it all. He is the most precious adorable little baby, he is so happy and it just feels so right like he has always been in our hearts. Talk about other plans, orientation was on the schedule.... it just goes to show it is God's timing and we were not to wait for the orientation, Ashton needed to go home. It has been a wonderful journey so far and we look forward to our future and watching Ashton grow. Thank you Abrazo and the wonderful staff, you will always hold a special place in our hearts. Next time we will try the orientation, I hear they are great and fun! Tonya & Dave - Ashton's Parents 36221[/snapback] Thank you for sharing your story. We have also been waiting that long to become parents and have gone thru many harsh and disappointing moments. Its just so comforting to see when this process actually works after all of the failed attempts. Congratulations and enjoy baby Ashton, you deserve it. Sandi
  8. Congratulations Brad & Melanye , your daughter is just precious. Congrats to all the Peas, we Tots hope to be where you are soon Now you can all swap baby tips and chart the milestones of your babys lives. Sandi
  9. Hi, I have a question: To receive grants or assistance, do you have to make under a certain amount of money or be adopting a minority or special needs child? Sandi
  10. Ok FCI group, We are dying to know how you were treated on April Fools Day by the already prankster prone Abrazo women ......please fill us in. Sandi
  11. I dont know about you guys, but I had the hardest time going to sleep and staying that way after all of the excitement and the emotional upchurnings(is this a real word?) of that nite. I do remember waking up feeling somehow lighter with a lot of emotional baggage left in the room the nite before. Sandi 35080[/snapback] Sandi, You don't sleep much anyway. Linda 35099[/snapback] Y'all laugh at me now for not needing that much sleep...........but lets see whose laughing when our little ones are keeping us up all nite and I still have energy in the morning Sandi
  12. Wow, what a cool story, I cant wait to hear more. And to think, I sent in my application paperwork and all I got was more paperwork Sandi
  13. I dont know about you guys, but I had the hardest time going to sleep and staying that way after all of the excitement and the emotional upchurnings(is this a real word?) of that nite. I do remember waking up feeling somehow lighter with a lot of emotional baggage left in the room the nite before. Sandi
  14. Hey Amanda, We loved meeting you also, feels like yesterday we were crying and laughing with you. Thanks again for sharing your story, it was so helpful and so brave. By the way you're daughter is so cute...she looks like a real spitfire........I like that as I was and am one myself. Sandi
  15. Good luck newbies, You are going to have a great time and dont forget your cameras as you will want to have pictures of your new friends and the Abrazo gals. Get your sleep, pack comfy clothes, some tissues and that waterproof mascara ladies because whether its from joy or happiness there will be a lot of tears. Enjoy, Sandi PS. Any newbies from New Jersey or any other state, you can go to the Homestead section and the United States of adoption to check out the doings of your fellow statesmen and women.
  16. Hi, Yeah....another couple from New Jersey. What part are you from? You are going to really love this weekendand, as evidenced from all the other groups, these people are going to be your new best friends/support system/shoulder to cry on and eventual cheerleader as you get your little one. You should join the Adoptive Parents Commitee group, they are a great support system in our state. If you want I can give you their info. Wa also went thru a small agency in NJ and then switched to Abrazo. What a difference, I only wish we had gone to them in the first place, we would be on baby #2 by now, oh well, we live and learn. Get your sleep, you will need it and be on your toes with these ladies................not your typical social worker types Sandi
  17. Congratulations on your son......good things do come to those who wait. Sandi
  18. Hi, We are in New Jersey and we are paying about $450 for our update and we paid somewhere around $800 for our initial homestudy. Just wanted to let you know one places costs in the East Coast. Sandi
  19. Hi Tony and Donna, Honestly it was about 2 years ago that we had them done so I don't remember. However, I would bet that we have to re-do them for Texas qualifications so I will let you know. Hey if a place can do them more quickly, go for it. Personally, I dont know why we have to re-do them if they are scanned in? Why cant they just re-run our prints to see that we are still OK (legally)? But whatever needs to be done we will do. On another note, is it superbowl crazy out in Pittsburgh? I know you guys are going to the game, you must be excited. My Giants as usual looked great and then "fell" on their faces when the going got tough. Since I don't have any team to root for, I will root for yours. Plus they are an east coast team. SO GO STEELERS!!! Sandi
  20. Hey guys, We had to do our fingerprints at this place called Sagem Morpho that actually is all computerized. It was pretty cool you put your hands on this machine and it scans them in. When we started our homestudy almost 2 years ago they had just switched over to this new system and we were told that eventually everyone from teachers, day-care workers and everyone working with kids will have to be part of this new system (or so we were told) as well as all state and federal people. Maybe that is just Jersey? Sandi
  21. My husband and I were at the January 2006 orientation, part of the connect-the-tots group. This is our second agency as we became less than disenchanted with our first. We were very skeptical at first and after our weekend we are SO HAPPY WITH OUR NEW AGENCY or should I say new friends. The women at Abrazo and so far everyone connected with them have been amazing. If you have any questions I would be more than happy to help you as best I can. Definitely look around thru the forum, I only wish I had read more before I went. Good luck and get your rest before you start, you will need it. Elisabeth and the other women are not exactly shall we say "wallflowers".
  22. I was in the group last week that suggested this idea and we had some serious fun going over all of the "stupid" things that people say to you in momemts of ignorance or attempted concern. 1) Like everyone else we heard a lot of"dont stress about it and it will happen" 2) Go out and get drunk one night and you never know, it works for a lot of people who don't want to get pregnant. 3) Lots of suggested positions, usually from people who are the last people you wanted to talk about sex with..... 4) Everyone wants to suggest the Dr. that their friend used because they were able to get them pregnant (yes for some it works and for others it doesnt) 5) You see once you adopt you will get pregnant because I know someone this happened to 6) Does your husband wear boxers or briefs? 7) Has he tried ice in his shorts? Then from loving but stupid friends who get pregnant by kissing (thank God they dont have access to this site to hear me dissing them) 1) You are so lucky that you dont have to go thru labor (said by a friend who for her second and third kid had a scheduled c-section) 2) You are lucky that you cant get pregnant (good friend said this while her twins and 5 year old were driving her crazy) POOR THING I am so sad that you cant get pregnant, I am the opposite I cant stop getting pregnant (said by my insensitive sister) Wow believe it or not I do have good friends and family, sometimes people just dont think.
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