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Everything posted by chilemom

  1. Here's hoping this thread starts hopping this week ...!!
  2. Funny, that's my standard answer, too! The nurses always look rather puzzled as if they're unsure what to do with me ...
  3. (cross-posted) Lisa, I know we talked about this on another thread, but I just wanted to let you know that I did call Abrazo and asked this question again, this time of Renee (I think Angela and Elizabeth were at licensing training) ... she was going to check it out, but I've not heard back. However, she tentatively agreed with what Elizabeth had said in a PM to me, that probably the fingerprint card would still be acceptable since it is current within one year. Don't take that as carved in stone, though! - I'm still waiting for the official confirmation.
  4. I just wanted to comment on this ... I joined a MOPS group several months ago, and at every meeting they ask any new expectant moms to come forward for a gift. Even though I've told my small group at MOPS about our adoption, I've been hesitant to go forward and have to explain to everyone that no, I'm not physically pregnant but we are still expecting a baby! So today I spoke with the MOPS leader ahead of time and told her that I would go forward today but I didn't want anyone to be confused (well, what I actually said was that even thought I might look physically pregnant, I am really only pregnant on paper!! ) and she was happy to add to her usual question: "Is anyone new expecting ... or adopting??" And then she shared with the group that we were adopting and there was some applause and oohs and aahs! Afterwards, two ladies spoke with me individually because adoption has been on their hearts and they wanted more information!
  5. As the wife to a true-blue Michigan fan, I have to say that I found this story really touching!! I hope their efforts are very successful!!
  6. It took me awhile, but I finally put together some thoughts on this subject … Are Christians called to different (or higher) standards, when it comes to adopting or placing a child? - The Bible says that Christians are called to the highest standards as parents – whether by adoption or biology. We have the awesome privilege and responsibility of raising that unique person created by God’s own fingerprints in the womb (whether ours or a birthmother’s.) In the Old Testament, Jewish parents were reminded that they were to teach their children about God at all times, and He still expects this of us today: (Deuteronomy 6:5-7) "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up." How did/does your faith impact your preferences/choices/actions within the adoption process? - For us personally, our understanding of God and how He loves “red and yellow, black and white” (as the children’s song goes) enabled us to open our hearts to children of any race. Certainly, life experiences such as being raised on the mission field and ministering in an African American church also played an important part. Our faith in God and His sovereign plan for our lives didn’t make the heartache go away when we experienced a failed adoption and failed matches, but it definitely carried us through those heartbreaking times. The Holy Spirit also gave us peace when our daughter Isabel was born unexpectedly facing a lifelong disability, and allowed us to proceed with her adoption in faith despite the circumstances – and to rejoice when God allowed her to recover far beyond what the medical professionals believed was possible! When it comes to open adoption... what would Jesus do? - This doesn’t exactly address the question “WWJD” but in the Bible, there are two examples that could perhaps be called “open” adoptions. Moses’ mother had to make an adoption plan for her child in order to save him from certain death, yet God in His wisdom and love allowed her to continue to be Moses’ nursemaid for a time until he was weaned and moved into the palace permanently with his adoptive mother, Pharaoh’s daughter. Samuel’s mother gave him back to the Lord, placing him in the care of the temple priest once he was weaned, and visiting him on her annual pilgrimages to the temple. In both cases, the children were raised by “adoptive” parents but the “biological” parents had the opportunity to see them and know that they were being well cared for and loved … I just think this is so cool, and a reminder that God loves and wants the best for each member of the adoption triad! How can we apply standards of "good stewardship" to adoption today? - My first thought, in short, would simply be – keeping our promises … proving ourselves worthy of the precious trust given to us.
  7. Claudia, I loved seeing the pictures. Dulce Elise looks so big and her new parents look SO happy!!
  8. Our life experiences during our nine years of marriage have led us to several wonderful churches in different states! While each church has shared the same basic theology/denomination, in other ways each one has been very different. We attended a small inner-city, African American church plant when we were first married, where we worked with the children and youth. We saw such great needs in the children's home lives and how important having consistent Christian role models in the church - especially married couples who loved one another and were faithful to each other! - was to their understanding of God's faithful, unchanging love for them. While in seminary, we attended a church that had a vibrant ministry to young married couples. The encouragement and fellowship was so awesome, and we made lifelong friends during that time. We shared the joys of beginning parenthood as well as the sorrows of being unable to start a family. Most of the couples were headed into full-time ministry, so we also experienced together the burdens of study and the excitement of dreaming about God's future plans for all of us! Later, we attended the church where Pedro was born and raised. The church went through a lot of interpersonal conflicts while we were there, which was difficult, but we developed some special friendship while we were there. Many of our friends were married couples a bit older than us, and we learned so much about parenting and life from them! Now, we are helping in the small Hispanic church that Pedro's parents started here in Texas. It is challenging and exciting! The greatest blessing to me in any church I have attended is developing those "family ties" - the fellowship of loving and serving the same God, and being there for one another in good times and bad - providing meals, prayer, babysitting, a shoulder to cry on, picking one another up when we fall, reminding each other of God's love and faithfulness ... of growing together in our understanding of Who God is and how He works in our lives ... and of sharing His love with others!
  9. Thanks, Lisa, I will do that ... I know that Angela had told me she would get back to me on that as well, but things have been so busy for the Abrazo gals and I hadn't heard back, either. It's rather expensive - $90 or something like that per spouse, right?? - and I was really hoping not to have to do it again. I'll let you know what I find out!
  10. I know I need to call Angela on this, but it's the weekend ... so I thought I would post here and see if anyone else has been in the same situation. We just had our FBI fingerprints done this summer, so they are totally current - only, they were done the old-fashioned way in Michigan just before we moved to Texas. As long we have FBI clearances already, and they are current, do we really need to re-file electronically?
  11. What blessed news ... bendiciones, preciosa angelita and your beautiful new family!
  12. I am SO very happy for both of these very special families with their precious baby girls ... God bless you all!
  13. This is kind of humorous ... my first post was definitely not the most eloquent or thought-provoking! Posted under "Abrazo gallery chit-chat!":
  14. Reading the flurry of news reports on this lately ... I just hope Madonna's adoption antics don't hurt African adoptions for others (read: adoptive parents who follow the rules!)
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