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Jan and Greg

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About Jan and Greg

  • Birthday 09/10/1964

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  • Location
    Rockport, Texas


  • Member Interest Area: choose one
    Adopting Parent

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Jan and Greg's Achievements

Guiding Star

Guiding Star (6/7)



  1. Gosh, I sure wish I knew some people that would fit this bill. Jan
  2. It just goes to show us that God does know what he is doing. Congrats to the newest family!!! Jan
  3. Oh Yeah another BOY!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats. Jan
  4. Congrats to both families. I am so happy for all of you. Jan
  5. My thoughts and prayers are with Adrian's family. Jan
  6. Got to LOVE pink!!! Congrats to the new family. Jan
  7. Love the picture of the new family!!! Congrats to all involved. Life is good!!! Jan
  8. Wow, how wonderful, two bigger and better families. Congrats to both families. I am soooooooo happy!! Jan
  9. When we were planning our second adoption Greg wanted a girl and I said I could do another boy no problem. We got a WONDERFUL girl and I LOVE shopping for girl clothes. I am always asking "where is this in my size " Annie did wear a few of Jackson's outfits too. So bring on a baby sister for Rocco and she will wear a few of his outfits!! Good luck with the next adoption. Jan
  10. The new family of three look beautiful!! Congrats to Luke and his new family. Jan
  11. Oh Yea, another Abrazobabe. Congrats to the newest family. Jan
  12. Congrats to all three families and their little babies of blue. I am so happy for all of you. Have fun and try not to get wet when changing diapers. Jan
  13. Oh Rebecca, I am so glad to hear from you. Also, Bob J. and Annette L. you two are in my prayers. Keep the faith!! Jan
  14. What a wonderful Christmas, two new families. I am so happy for all of you. Both baby boys and baby girls are the BEST!! Jan
  15. Congrats to the two newest famiies. I am soooooooo happy for you. Boys are so much fun. What a wonderful Thanksgiving. Jan
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