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  1. Wow! What a ride you two have been on to get to this point today. I am so thrilled and have tears in my eyes just thinking what a great mom and dad you two are, and the fact you guys finally took this step in faith. Long long journey and many congrats! Can't wait to see the little handsome boy. He is going to rock your world. Maralou
  2. How wonderful to have so many miracles happen. I can't believe that I have missed so much exitment and placements. Congrats to all the families. May you enjoy every second of this wonderful life.
  3. Yippeeeeeeee! It is nice seeing how the gift of openness really works and the love that it just keeps on coming. BP you are loved from so many directions, Tony, Donna, Ethan, Gavin, and BF you are so perfect.
  4. Well I just made a couple of calls, I hope I can help and get the class full!
  5. What a dream come true! Amazing just amazing for everyone involved......
  6. Congrats to the newest abrazo family!
  7. Wow - Congrats to the newest abrazo family.
  8. What a great think to read! Congrats to the newest families!
  9. That is the sweetest story! I would, after that do the same thing!
  10. Congratulations Kay and Darren! Wow - a little boy - two sisters, what a big family!
  11. Wow, congrats, so exciting to have a new child in this world and to know that the parents found them here instead of overseas. Congrats to everyone.
  12. Congrats to the new families!!! Enjoy
  13. What a wonderful story - Congrats to all the families and the extension that came from this independence day weekend.
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